Pink Fire Pointer April 2012

The violent and weird world of fascism....

I said at the time (not to you, of course) that there was more than meets the eye about the Tottenham Court Road siege last Friday... AND THERE WAS. The man involved was the BNP's 2010 General Election candidate for Stevenage, Michael Green. This is him pictured shortly after the end of the siege. I don't know about you but he looks to be at least topless. One of the things he is charged with is making a bomb hoax; semi-naked? That's some power of suggestion...

But seriously: yet another loony connected with Britain's far right has been found guilty (or in this case caught red handed) of plotting and/or carrying out murder and mayhem. Will our mass media keep portraying these scum as lone wolf madmen whose violence is incidental to their afilliations?

Elsewhere in fascist violence, read this statement by Lewisham Anti-Racist Action (via Transpontine). Last Saturday fifteen nazis assaulted two socialist pensioners (what a brave and noble master-race!):

Two local  anti-racist pensioners  were viciously attacked and hospitalised  this Saturday by racist thugs who said they were part of a group known as ‘March For England’ which is  very closely linked to English Defence League (EDL) and the BNP. Andy Smith, a retired teacher and active in Lewisham Pensioners’ Forum and the NUT was viciously attacked as well as another local pensioner.

The attack appears to be in response  to a planned Unite Against  Fascism event  across south London  whose aim was to  discourage  people from voting for or supporting far-right racist parties in the forthcoming London assembly elections.  It  follows  the humiliation they received in last week’s ‘March For England’ Brighton demonstration where 1000 anti-racists succeeded  in reducing the far-right march to a miserable  and defeated mob.

The attack happened during a busy Saturday on Lewisham High Street whilst manning a regular campaign stall, one that has been active for over thirty years in Lewisham and an integral part of the local community. Shortly after 12pm the stall was thrown to the floor by an individual loitering in the area and according to witnesses, already there waiting for the local activists to arrive.

A group, taking photographs and staring menacingly at the activists started to gather near the clock tower. Before too long, they passed the stall en masse at which point an altercation began, with shouts and heckling from the racist group. In response to Islamophobic statements one pensioner approached them and received a vicious head-butt as an answer, throwing him to the ground . Another pensioner  intervened and was quickly surrounded, man-handled and flung to the floor receiving a knock to the head. Both had to receive medical treatment for their injuries.

Earlier in the morning a photographer was also attacked by the same group of racists and had reported the attack to Lewisham police station...

LARAG is arranging a coach from Lewisham to Luton next Saturday May 5th to join the counter-demonstration to the planned EDL march there.  Call 07508 633 045 to book a ticket.

That's a point! National anti-Fascist demo, Luton, Saturday, definitely, be there!

A twist in tale...

A twist in the tale of London's social cleansing. The tenants associations in Hackney are taking the council to court over the new tennancy agreement the council is trying to slide by unnoticed.  As the link suggests the agreement has expanded, 35 pages as opposed to the old 4 page document. The link makes reference to a number of onerous agreements, such as making tenants responsible for household members behaviour anywhere in the borough. They are still secure tenancies (although Hackney Homes will be described as a charity, a likely precursor to privatisation), but I listened to a housing activist in a branch meeting last night who told us about a number of the new conditions. This is only what I was told, but these apparently include:

  • Tenants must not invite known criminals into their home.
  • Householders must not be a member of a 'gang', a gang being defined as a group of at least three people that use a name, emblem or colour, or are associated with a particular area - by that definition football teams are now gangs.

A system of collective punishment is being instituted. But there's more, page after page of this. All tennants must carpet their own homes, including putting down high-quality underlay. Tenants must refrain from feeding any birds. Tenants may not keep any cattle, figure that one out! This was only what I was told (although I have no reason to doubt it). It seems to me Hackney Council want to conduct an experiment, which, if it 'works', will be no doubt be extended across the country. There will still be secure tenancies, but a tangled litany of terms and conditions that would leave almost every tenant and resident vulnerable.

That time again...

The results of this week's BBC Question Time Bullshit Bingo, as curated by Keith Watermelon (remember this week was a Triple NHS rollover):

  • The phrase "irresponsible strikes..."
  • Blatant racism from one or more of the panel.
  • Pretending everyone on housing benefit is unemployed.
  • "The mess left by the last Labour government..."
  • "Wealth creators" as synonym for employers.

How did you do?

The economy sinks but shit floats

Britain is back in recession. It hardly feels like we've ever been out of it, but our society is back in the doldrums... and that's OFFICIAL (to borrow a tabloid phrase). Who would have thought cutting services, cutting benefits, destroying jobs and lowering the general standard of living, would have been bad for the economy? This week's most egregious example, social cleansing of the poor from London has been kicking in... There's a solution to unemployment (and underemployment), banish the poor to areas with even fewer jobs. But manufacturing and services were supposed to lift the economy? For some occult reason the private sector is heading in reverse, construction -3%, manufacturing -0.4%. It's almost like there's some broader context to all this.

Who's responsible, where does the buck stop? Why it's supposed to stop with Gideon Osborne. I'm not normally one to place much emphasis on expertise, but look at this:

Osborne's first job was entering the names of people who had died in London into a National Health Service computer. He also briefly worked for Selfridges, re-folding towels. He originally intended to pursue a career in journalism, but instead got a job at Conservative Central Office.

That's his entire career... and he's in charge. Oh dear. The economy sinks but Mr Osborne floats.

By its own standards austerity is failing. Something has to change. We have to change it.

In related news there are a set of elections coming up, including the election for Mayor of London. I'm not going to vote for Ken Livingstone 1) because I'm not registered and 2) because he's a tax dodger and a scab, and that can't just be forgiven and forgotten. As a candidate he is a liability, however, if he returns to office on May 4th and carries out his programme, including fare reductions, rent caps, restoring the EMA and providing cheaper gas and electricity through bulk-buying, he will have done more for working-class Londoners than the whole of parliament put together.

That's the kind of change we need to effect. We needed to start yesterday, last month, last year. Let's not wait for Livingstone.

Fascism and anti-fascism: mini-roundup

The headline news is of course that one in five French are nazis, a grossly unfair observation no doubt, but a national fascist vote of 18-20% is a matter of shame, it is also a matter of urgency... we have been here before. It's often noted how the French left is weakned by a dogmatic attachment to Republican ideals, it has failed to tackle state-led islamophobia (although the Mélenchon campaign was maybe the start of something different). Could this also be a long-term result of half-hearted denazification, which was known in France as Epuration Legale, which saw many collaboration politicians and civil servants granted amnesty under the Fourth and Fifth Republics? Whatever the background, the French labour movement is capable of making sharp upturns, even scoring major victories. This can be turned around.

Meanwhile in Norway, fascist child-killer Anders Breivik is still turning his trial into a grotesque circus. The court has paid far too high a price to get him to talk about what he actually did. He does seem to have offered a bit of leverage, he will aparently do "anything" to avoid being committed. His sanity is questioned apparently to discredit him, and maybe it does to some, but then I would guess most people are against mass murder already. Breivik is sane. Questioning his sanity actually lets him off the hook, lets the whole system of state racism off the hook and denies what should be the obvious fact: he did what he did because he is a fascist. His brutal rampage was fascism in action.

But a bit of good news from Britain to end on. The BNP is in turmoil and probably irreversable decline. The EDL meanwhile is going through serious doldrums. The nazis attempted to hold a demonstration in Brighton this weekend. Though they had heavy police protection (including horses and tear gas) they had a miserable day, outnumbered 10 to 1 and hounded every step of the way. Well done to all involved.

Gramsci Funk Railroad paved the way for Jefferson Ayerplane, which cleared the way for Jefferson Stalin. The stage was now set for the Alan Parsons Proudhon, which I believe was some sort of hovercraft.

Here it is then - the much hyped second album.

Writing credits to Roobin, The Doc of Rock, Ian, Ru, Steve Bandiera Rossa and Ted Splitter. And without further Badiou:

C.L.R. James - Sit Down
Ricoeur Deep, Montaigne High
Girls go Crazy About a Sartre Dressed Man...
Jinul's Addiction - Standing in the Schoppenhauer, thinking
The Hippias Hippias Shake
Holding out for a Hereclitus
Total Eclipse of the Hardt
How much is that Dogen Zenji in the window?
Gettier Kicks on Route 66
I'm too Zizek-xy
Seize the Descartes
Rickert don't lose that number
Jared Diamonds are Forever
M'Adorno - Bordieuline
Quine - The Descartes of our Leibniz
AudioSlavoj - Some Descartes
One Quine Descartes
Descartes & Confucius
Led Zep - Whole Aliotta Love
Mr Bungle - Carry Stress in the Giordano Bruno
Holding out for a Zeno
Zeno Boys - Lenin in the 80s
Village Peguy - Lenin the Navy
Wings - Mull of Alasdair MacIntyre
Spinoza in the sky
Bee Gees - Jive Dawkins
Visage - Fade to Grayling
The Old Grayling Whistle Test
Top of the Popper
Cheggers Plato Popper
The Buzzcomte
Later with Jools Hölderlin
Rob Zombie - De Man-oid PhenomZeno-n
Rob Zombie - Jesus Wittgenstein
Wittgenstein Drag Quines from Planet Therborn
Ayerosmith - Walk this Weber
Electric Wittgenstein
Bob Dylan - Rabelais, Lady, Lay
Zhu Xi Quatro - Lacan the Can
Barry Fanonlow - Kant Smile Without Lao Tzu
Dire Strasser - Romero & Juliet
Frege Chance on Me
Michael Jackson - Schiller
Frege Nother Little Piece of my Hardt
Psycho Schiller
Schiller Quine
Bodycount of St Germain - Cop Schiller
Snoop Dogg - Serial Schiller
George Michael - I want your Sextus Empiricus
The Schillers - When Hume were Jung
The Shillers & Lao Tzu Reed - Tranquileibniz
Let's Talk About Sextus Empiricus
I'm too Sextus Empiricus
Mao-er to the Peguy
Mao-er to the Pieper
Wings - Windelband on the run
Earth, Windelband and Feuerbach
Therborn in the USA
Therborn of a Broken De Man
Therborn to be Wilde
Therborn to Run
Run to the Mills
"Adorno no Adorno no no there's no Leibniz"
Captain BeefHardt and the Magic Windelband
The Sartrelites - Confucius
Tony Cliff Richard - Bachelard Boy
Wilde Thing (Hume make my Hardt Sing-er)
KC & The Sun Tzu Windelband
Metallica - Enter Windelband Man
XTC - Making Plans for Nagel
XTC - Bacon Plans for Nagel
Alexei Sayle - Hello John of Mirecourt Got a New Motor
Russel-ton John Locke - Don't go Bacon my Hardt
Husserl-ton John Stuart Mill
The Sugar Mill Gang
The Frege Mill Gang
Gol-De Man Looking Chain
Mumford & Sun Tzu
Vam-Pyrrho Weekend
The Age of Aquinas (let the Sun Tzu in)
Mr Bungle - Pyrrho-sel
Simon le Beauvoir
South of the Bordieu
StairWeber to Bevan
Dawkins Heads
Guns n' Rousseau - Double Dawkins Jive
Red Hot Chili Popper - By the Weber
Buber Furry Animals - Carry Lacan
Anything Hume Camus, Lacan do Derrida
Lacan you feel it?
Mao Mao Mao - I want Lacan-dy
Lacan Hume feel the Love Tonight?
Platoto's Republica
Maoby - Plato
Mr Bungle - Girls of Therborn
Credence ClearWalter Benjamin Revival
CreDennett ClearWalter Benjamin Revival
Ayerosmith - Living on the Edgar Allan Poe
Ayerosmith - Love in an Ele-Voltaire
Blue De Man Group
Mr Bungle - And None of Them Flew They Were Robespierre
Humetown Rats
Hume Hume Mao
Che Gue-Vera Lynn(ch) - We'll Meet Aga Khan II
System of a Down - Pyrrho, Schiller, Cocaine, Crazy
Shiny Happy Pieper
The Village Pieper
M Pieper
M Peguy
Billie Pieper
Mao-er to the Pieper
Common Pieper
Prodigy - Voodoo Pieper
Depeche Mode - Pieper are Peguy
Purple Pieper Eater
Don't Fear the Pieper
Sly & The Family Stone - Everyday Pieper
RATM - Pieper of the Sun Tzu
The Doors - Pieper are Strange
Peguy are Strange
JamiroQuine - Pieper Underground
Halloween - Pieper of the Seven Keys
Chris Cornell - The Pieper
This Charming De Man
Buber Furry Animals - Zizek, (Thomas) More and Robespierre
Mr Bungle - Love is a Fichte
Florence & The Malthus - Kiss with a Fichte
Smooth Crimi-Malthus
Thomas Malt-Kyuss
Half De Man Half Bishop Berkeley - All I want for Erasmus is a Duk-Lacan a-Weber
Derrida Escape Plan
John Locke Hates Jazz
Florence & The Malthus- Hume got the Love
John Stuart Mill Hates Jazz
The Malthus Bentham-ily
LeninterPol Pot
Dame Vera Stalin
Muse - Dead Stalin
Rob Zombie - De Man Speeding
Mazzy Stalin
Five Stalin
Stalin Vocal Rand
Earth, Windelband and Feuerbach - Shining Stalin
When Hume wish upon a Stalin
Good Morning Stalin
Video Killed the Radio Stalin
Catch a Falling Stalin
Nietzsche (Intelligent) Falling Stalin
Cypress Mill - (Bloch) SuperStalin
Cypress Mill - (Napier) SuperStalin
The Stalin Spangled Banner
The Stalin Spangled Fanon
NickelBacon - I Wanna Be a Rock Stalin
Rolling Mary Woolstonecrafts - Stalin Fucker
Twinkle Twinkle Little Stalin
Blur - Strange News from Another Stalin
Oasis - Bloch & Roll Stalin
Ziggy Stalin
Crosby, Mill and Nash (and Jung)
Jesus Christ, SuperStalin
C.L.R. James - She's a Stalin
Quine Inch Nails - Stalin Fuckers Inc.
The Kinks - Everybody's a Stalin
Yoko O-Noam Chomsky
John Lenin
George Aristotle-son
Paul Mackie-ney
Ringo Stalin
Bukharin-go Stalin
Sonny & Chairman Mao
Sun Tzu & Chairman Mao
Revolution Quine
Street Pieper Social Buber
A-Korn-o - Freak on a Nietzsche
Popper Roach
Living in a Marcuse
Living in an Althusser
Hoxha Rule
John Stuart Milli Vanilli
Babylon Zhu Xi - Space De Man
Nietzsche Boys - Fichte for Your Right to Sartre
Ho Chi Minh-go Stalin
A-Korn-o - Zizek on a Nietzsche
A-Korn-o - Proudhon a Nietzsche
Ayerosmith - Proudhon Looks Like a Lady
Hey Proudh(on)
Kasabian - I'm Proudhon Feuerbach
"I Pink, therefore I Wham"
"I Kinks, therefore I Wham"
"I Fink, therefore I Wham"
Gogol Bordieu
Ayerosmith - Q.U.I.N.E.
Confucius B.I.G.
Suzanne Frege - My Noam Chomsky is Lukacs
Flew Flew Dolls
The Flew - Same Jeans-Jacques Rousseau
The Fall - I am Confucius Oranj
The Enemy - A-Weber from Hereclitus
Enya - Sail a-Weber
Guns n' Rousseau - Sweet Child of Quine
Kasabian - Philosoraptor
Fats Domi-Noam Chomsky
Feuerbach in the USSR
Feuerbach in Bloch
We Didn't Start the Feuerbach
Ain't No Houllebecq Girl
The Bee Jesus
I Wanna Sextus Empiricus Hume Up
Metallica - Enter Saneatsu Mushanokōji
Ronnie James Diogenes of Sinope
‎"My Millkshake brings all the Baudrillard and they're Leibniz better than yours, damn Liebniz better than yours, I could Nietzsche but I'll have to Chaerephon"
Parminedes at Work
"Girl, i wanna take you to a Peter Gay Thales"
Voltaire Supply
Something in the Voltaire Tonight
Sometimes, all I need is Voltaire that I Breathe
Thales Paul
Karma ChameLeon Trotsky
Peter Gay Dad
Ray Charles Taylor
Dewey will Rock Hume
Donna Haddaway
The Talking Alfred North Whiteheads
Schweitzer Zombie
Schweitzer Wedding
The Epicurus Shake
Cypress Mill - I Want to get Hayek
Afro De Man - Because I got Hayek
Galileo Sayer
Lao Tzu is Mao?
Money's too Tight to Mencius
Plutarch-ade Feuerbach
Mencius at Work
Motor-Alfred North Whitehead
The Derrida Escape Blanchot
Sweet Boehme-labama
Swing Out Cicero
Ronnie James Dionysus
Garbage - When I Grosseteste Up
The Lucretius of Love
The Brand Newton Heavies
Billy Joel - Newton Girl
Huey Lewis & The Newton
Ricardo Astley
Ricardo Zoroastra
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Fichte Democritus Bakunin
Zoroastra of Puppets
...and Hume will know us by the trail of Derrida
Shiny Epicurus Pieper
The Epi-Cure-us - Sleep When I'm Derrida
The Epi-Cure-us - Boys don't Hereclitus
Cyrano de Berger-rock
Fantomas - Night Goethe
Modest Mao
The Ani-Malthus
Hume-y and the Blow-Fichte
Reel Big Fichte
Eagles of Death Malthus
Quine-osaur Jr
Peguy Sue
Peguy Zhu Xi
I'm Dreaming of a Schweitzer Erasmus
Primal Scream - Hayek than the Sun Tzu
Lenin Kravitz
Peguy Lao Tzu
Epicurus Mondays
Dolly Proudhon
Just Lao Tzu of Malthus
Lionel Fichte - Plato, is it me you're Lukacs Foucault?
Stevie Won-Derrida
Russell-vis Presley - The Won-Derrida of Hume
Lao Tzu Drunk to Foucault
Dead Kenne-Derrida - Nazi Punks Foucault
Dead Kenne-Descartes
One Quine Descartes
The Hume - Deng Xiaoping-ball Wizard
Highway to Hegel
Hayek to Hegel
Shed Seven Sages of the Bamboo Groove Armada
Shed Seven Sages of the Bam-Boomtown Rats Groove Armada
Shed Seven Sages of the Bam-Boom Boom Pow Groove Armada
Lucretius in the Sky (with Jared Diamond)
Liu Ling in the Sky (with Jared Diamond)
Dirty Deeds Zhi Dun Cheap
Beatles - I am Confucius
Cicero of a Down - Hobbes Zhu Xi
Cicero of a Deng Xiaoping
Russell-CD Sound Cicero
Shakespeare's Cicero
Cicero of Mercy
Guns n' Rousseau - Right Next Door to Hegel
Guns n' Rousseau - Welcome to the Gu Zhun-gle
Mr Gu Zhun-gle
Hume2 guitarist: The Edgar Allan Poe
Blur - Bug De Man
Madness - John Gray Day
De Man-ness - Grayling Day
Quine - Schoppenhauer must go on
Michael Jaspers - Badiou
Michael Jaspers - Lao Tzu Badiou
Icicle Works - Love Comes in Different Kollontai
Alice Kuhn-per - Rawl's out for Summer
Michael Jaspers - Badiou is it?
Michael Jaspers - Hume is it?
The Ruts - Babylon's Bernstein
Rob Zombie - Jaspers Wittgenstein
The Charlatans - Just when you're Fichte things over
Adam & The Ants - Burke Wears White Sox
Suede - The Anselm World
Pink Feuerbach - Another Crick in the Rawls
The Soft Boys - Quine of Eyes
Mercury Rev - You're my Quine
Faith no (G.E.) Moore - Epic(urus)
Bloch Grape
Collapsed Lung - Eat my Zola
Manic Street Pre-Chairman Mao - I'm not Dworkin
Dworkin in a Coal Quine
Teardrop Explodes - Treason (it's just a Rorty)
Manic Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Therborn a Girl
Manic Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Therborn to End
China Crisis - Bloch De Man Ray
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Of Dworkin Abortion
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Love's Sweet Existentialism
Adverts - Debord Teenagers
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - So Derrida
Colourfield - Fichte of Hume
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Epicurus
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Ready for Darwin
Darwin the Jungle
Darwin the Ghetto
The Marx Voltaire
Bruce Springsteen Hume-an Touch
Faith no (Thomas) More - Falling to Peguy
REM - What's the Frege-ncy, Kenneth?
Red Hot Chili Popper - Give it A-Weber
Buber Massive Bloch Hole
Buber Furry Animals - Northern Leibniz
10cc:DreadLocke Halliday - I don't Like Critchley, I Liebknicht
Buber Furry Animals - The Very Best of Jared Diamond
Buber Furry Animals - Weber do Hume want to Goethe?
Justin Buber
Where do Hume Goethe my lovely?
If Hume Goethe go, go Mao
Justin Pieper
What does Hume want to make those eyes at me for? (when they don't mean that he's Frege)
The Goethe! Team
If Hume Liebknicht now, Hume take a-Weber the biggest Sartre me
Jaspers 5 - If'n I was Goethe
Jaspers 5 - If'n I was Gottlob Frege
Aquinas the Stone Age - Sartre up your Fichte
Quines of the Stone Age - Erasmus Voltaire-is
The (E)Rasmus
Zhu Xi Quatro - Kafka-n the Can
The Jam - Sartre! It's not important to know my name/though I do know yours
Bryan Adam Smith - Kant stop this thing we've Sartre-d
Count of St Germain Crows
Kate Bush - Babbageke
Husserl-ton John (Stuart Mill) - Kafka-n Hume Feel the Love Tonight?
Russell-ton John (Locke) - Lacan Hume Feel the Love Tonight?
Ultravox - Love's Great Bonaventure
Zhu Xi Quatro - Lacan the Kant
The Commodores - Frege Times a Lady
Secret Chiefs Frege
Buber Hume Kant Drive my Carlyle
Hume Sweet Hume
The Bluebells - Jung at Hardt
Trad arr Bob Dylan - Jung but daily Growin'
LeAnn Rimes - Cheng Hao Do I Live Without You
The soundtrack to Jung Wittgenstein
Cohen loco down in Acapulco
Muse - Citi-Zeno Erasmus
Therborn under a Badiou sign
I like Driving in my Carlyle
Smokie - Living Next Door to Alasdair MacIntyre
Credennett ClearWalter Benjamin Revival - Badiou Moon Rising
RATM - MacIntyre Me
Tina Turner/Creedence et al - Proudhon Mary (Woolstonecraft)
The Frege Wheelin' Bob Dy-Lacan
Mud - Tiger Laffitte
Muse - Sing for Abso-Lukacs
"Took my Chevy to the Lévi-Strauss but the Lévi-Strauss was dry"
T-Rex - Therborn to Boogie
Mach the Knife
Muse - Butterflies and Aristotle's cane
Blue Piaget Way
Buber Furry AniMalthus - Liebknicht-y Belle
The Clash - I'm so Rorty with the USA
Demis Rousseau
Jared Diamond - Sweet Caro-Leibniz
Travelling Mill-Burys - De Man-dle with Chairman Mao
Travelling Mill-Burys - Tweeter and the Monkey De Man
C.L.R. James - I Know What I'm Hereclitus For
Ayerosmith - Falling in Love (is hard on the Nietzsche)
I've got Hume under my Skinner
Morcheeba - Sartre the Process
Prodigy - No Goethe (Sartre the Dance)
Ayerosmith - Toys in the Attlee
Alysha's Attlee
Bevan must be missing an Engels
I Found Bevan- sample lyric: 'I thought I found Locke, with somebody else's girl...'
John Lenin - I'm Althusser-ing Hume
Bee Jesus - For Hume the Bell Tolstoy
Bee Jesus - Hume Win Again
Bee Jesus - Staying a-Leibniz
Saturday Night Weber
Bee Jesus - Liebknicht Weber
Bee Jesus - Mao Deep is Your Love
Bee Jesus - Jive Dworkin
Love is here and Mao you're gone
Quine Jung Fanonbals/Husserl-vis Presley - Confucius Minds
Steely Dan Dennett - Bloch Calvin
Steely Dan Dennett - Bloch Mao
Steely Dan Dennett - Reelin' in the Greers
Tears for Greers
Reelin' in the Hereclitus
Greers for Hereclitus
FastBalzac - The Weber
Nirvana - Something in the Weber
Toto-mas More
Tominaga Nakamototo
The Hume - Tominaga Nakamoto
Francisco de Totoledo
John Totoland
Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Totocqueville
Buber Furry Ani-Malthus - O-Hayek Heat
Buber Furry Ani-Malthus - (Dworkin) Rings around Husserl
Buber Furry Ani-Malthus - (S)Hume Doris Derrida
Russell & The Gang
Ca Plane Pour Moi - Plastic Bertrand Russell
Therborn-ing Down the Mao-s
Stand by your De Man
Specials - Locke it to 'em JB
Bloch it to 'em JB
Gimme Gimme Gimme (De Man after Midnight)
ABBA - Fanondo
The Epi-Cure-us - Plato for Today
Hardtbreak Hotel
The Beat - Kant get used to Losing Hume
Meat Loaf - Sun Tzu out of Zhu Xi ain't Badiou
Jailhouse Locke
Jail-Mao's Bloch
The Clash - Rebel Walzer
Jail-Mao's Socrates
Donna Summer - Hobbes Stuff
Donna Summer - Trot Stuff
Russell-vis Presley - Return to Sen-Derrida
Viva Las Wittgenstein
Habermas-es Against the Classes
Habermas-ter of Puppets
Halliday in the Sun Tzu
Buber Habermas-ive Bloch Hole
Summer Halliday
M'Adorno - Halliday
Kate Bush - Running Up That Hilferding
M'Adorno - Like a Serge-in
Habermas-ive Attack
M'Adorno - Like Weber
Depeche Mode - Paine that I'm used Lao Tzu
Maga-Zinn - Oakeshott By Both Sides
Dworkin Heads - Planck Hume for Sending me an Engels
Offspring - Original Planckster
The Mao's That Jean-Jacques Rousseau Built
Planck Turner
Planck Za-Popper
The Shamen Move Any Montesquieu
The Sha-Mencius - Ebe-Nietzsche Goode
Radiohead - The Benthams
Hartley Rhythm Ace
Radiohead - Paranoid Anselm
Paranoid Andronicus of Rhodes
Muse - Space De Man-tia
Negris with Attitude - Fukuyama tha Police
Buber Furry Ani-Malthus - De Man don't give a Fukuyama
My Bloody Valentine - No More Thoreau
Hume-an League - Sound of the Kropotkin
Russell-vis Costello - Everyday I Write The Bookchin
Cicero of a Down - Hume!
Cicero of a Down - Tok-Cicero
Stanglers - No (Thomas) More Hereclitus
Tom Robinson - Up Against the Wallerstein
Pink Floyd - Another Crick in the Wallerstein
Quine - We are the Zhang-Zai-ons
Stone Rousseau - Rawls Gold
Simon & Garve-Funkel
Tenacious D - Frankfurt School Of Bloch
Bloch Sabbath - Children of the Garve
Confucius D
Mary Woolstonecraft Rousseau - Zhu Xi Bangs the Drums
Dr Wham-uel Johnson
The Clash - London (Stuart) Hall-ing
The Clash - Rousseau Kant Fail
Porno for Pythagoras
Adorno for Pythagoras
Parminedes like Sun Tzu Dworkin
Badiou Drawn Boy
The Al-chemides-ist
Trot Chocolate
Kasabian - Fast Marcuse
Rolling Mary Woolstonecraft - (I can't get Noam Chomsky) Sartre's faction
Hume Kant always get what Hume want (but if Hume try sometimes, Hume just might find, Hume get Parminedes)
Ayerosmith - Bloch in a Hardt Place
Ayerosmith - Bakunin the Saddle
Ayerosmith - Same old Song and Dan Dennett
Ayerosmith - Big Zen Inch Rene Descartes
Ayerosmith - Monkey on my Bakunin
Ayerosmith - (C)Hippias the Mary Woolstonecraft
Ayerosmith - Done With Mir Damad
Ayn Rand of Horses - The End's Not Greer
Mir Damad-ness
Windelband of Horses - The End's Not Mir Damad
Mir Damad in the BathHume
Michael Jaspers - De Man in the Mir Damad
The Mir Damadamned
Stalinship - Weber this City on Locke and Rawls
I Love Locke and Rawls (so put another Dime in the Hume Block Buber)
The Epi-Cure-us - The Love Kafka-ts
Michael Jaspers - Dan Dennett Gerous
Michael Jaspers - Lenin the Closet
Michael Jaspers - Hume is it?
Michael Jaspers - Wanna Bukharin Somethin'
Ho Chi Minh the Jungle
Ho Chi Minh the Ghetto
Ho Chi Minh the Plato
Ho Chi Minh the Ghu Zhun-gle
Lenin the Ghu Zhun-gle
Chaka Democritus & Plato - Socrates me Buber
Alice Kuhn-per - Feed my Wittgenstein
Georg Lukacs and Ira Gersch-Windelband
I'm Comte-ing up so you'd better get this party Sartre
Therborn-mower Deth
Guns n' Rousseau - The Perfect Maimonedes
INXS - Maimonedes Hume Tonight
INXS - Nietzsche Tonight
ZiZek Top - Maimonedes Hume Tonight
Zhu Xi Top - I Nietzsche Tonight
We Didn't Sartre the Feuerbach
Proudhon-gy - Feuerbach Sartre
Simply Red - Something got me Sartre
A-Korn-o - Sartre Over
Trot Chocolate - It Sartre'd with a Kim
Quine Inch Nails - "Hume bring me closer to Gottlob Frege"
Hume Lao Tzu - Sun Tzu Bloch-dy Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu-Zanne Frege
A-Mencius Sevenfold
A-Mencius Bevanfold
A-Mencius Bevanfold - Nietzsche and the Hartley (Nietzsche Schelling place for De Man's)
Faith no (Thomas) More - King Faraday, Fool for a Leibniz
John Locke, We Hartley Flew ye
A-Mencius Bevanfold - NightMary Woolstonecraft
Quine - We Will Locke Hume
Quine - We Will Bloch Hume
A-Mencius Bevanfold - Buried A-Leibniz
John Locke, We Hartley Newton ye
A-Mencius Bevanfold - Little Rees of Lacan
Million Derrida
Miliband Derrida
Faith No (Thomas) More - The Jean-Jacques Rousseau Sartre Making Ene-Mencius
Platoto - Kafka
Chemi-Calvin Brothers - It Began in Kafka
S-Leibniz & The Fa-Mill-y Mary Woolstonecraft - Kafka Talks to Hume
(Everything Badiou) Badiou it for Hume
Depeche Mode - Personal Jaspers
The Jaspers and Mary Woolstonecraft Chain
Jaspers Priest
Ricardo Cheese
The Jaspers and Mary Woolstonecraft Chairman Mao
Me-Derrida - Enter Windelband De Man (Exit Leibniz, enter Liebknicht. Take my Rand. Off to Weber-Windelband)
M'Adorno - Take a Bauer
Jarvis Cocker - Heavy Weber
Crowded Mao-s - Weber with Hume
Stereo-Fanon - Just Locke-in
Pulp - I Spinoza
Suede - So Jung
The Smiths - The Boy with Therborn in his Side
The Smiths - Stop Frege if Hume think you've heard Therborn before
David Bowie - Time will Rawls
Bloch Lace - Ag-Badiou


A small thing but a good thing...

Students in Quebec chasing the cops away. Hahahahahahaha! Or, as it's Quebec, L'ahahahahahahaha! The only question remains was this picture taken before or after the police attacked Quebec's young with rubber bullets and gas?

Hey Boy, Hegel. Buberstar DJs. Ayer We Go!

So, here you Ayer. The ultimate list of music/philosopher crossover puns. Thanks go to Roobin, Ted Splitter, Ian, The Bunk, Julie, Ru, Paul, Steve Bandiera Rossa and the Doc of Rock for all their assistance.

Most notable about this experience was the discovery I made about Rage Against the Machine's song Wake Up. Most presume it to be about the bullshit the American ruling class feeds to its citizens.

It's not though. On closer inspection, the lyrics reveal a cautionary tale about what would have happened to logical positivists in Ancient Greece:

Fisting the Ayer in the Land of Hippocrates

Anyway, without any further Adorno, here is the list:

Kierkegaarda da Vida
Kant Get Hume Out of my Head
Bob Marley - Lenin'
Marx of the Beast
Chemical Brothers - Heidegger your own Hole
The (Hei)Diggers
Bentham Folds Five
Anything you Camus, I Camus Better
Stone Roses - I Wanna be Adorno
Beck - "I'm Althusser baby, so why don't you kill me?"
Beck - "I'm Marcuse baby, so why don't you kill me?"
Wings - Ayn Rand on the Run
New Kids on the Bloch
New Kids on the Locke
Aristotle Belafonte
Jonny Lukacs - A Boy Named Sun Tzu
De Man Who Sold the World
Travis - De Man Hume
De Man Don't Give a Foucault
Paul Descartes-ney
Umberto Eco and the Bunnymen
Sometimes, all I need is the Ayer that I breathe
Mao Mao Mao - I Want Ghandi
Sergeant Popper's Lonely Hearts Club Ayn Rand
Babybird - You're Gorgias
Jethro Tull - Aquinaslung
Hobbes Will Eat Itself
Popper Will Eat Itself
Kate Bush - Running up that Hilbert
Electric Six - Danger, High Voltaire
Puff Daddy and the Family - It's all About the Walter Benjamins
Man Smart (Woman Sartre)
Stylistics - Hume Make Me Feel Brand New
You Spinoza Me Right Round
Heaven Must be Missing an Engels
Only the Good Die Jung
Colour Me Badd - I Wanna Zizek You Up
Queen - Fat Alain de Bottoned Girls
The Brummie tribute to Freddy Mercury - Quine
Van Halen - Hot for Nietzsche
Specials - Too Much Too Jung
Berkeley Dutchie on the Left Hand Side
Singing in the Paine
Skunk Anansie - Schelling Jesus
Rolling Stones - Sartre me Up
Bob Dylan - A Baudrillard Rain's Gonna Fall
Bon Jovi - Therborn to Be My Baby
The Big Popper
Xenophonboy 3
Darwin-er Takes it all
Judas Priestley
Great Balls of Feuerbach
Bakunin Black
Sex Pistols - Fichte in the Rigging
Kisses Sweeter than Quine
Gramsci we Love You
Dazed and Confucius
The Killers - Somebody Ptolemy
Lukacs us if you Kant
Disposable Heroes of Hippocrates
Bakhtin the USSR
Backhtin Black
Bakunin the USSR
Derri(da) Cross the Mersey
I Kant Help Falling in Love with Hume
Do the Barthes Man
Do the Bart De Man
The Bauer of Love
St Francis of A-CSS
The Grave Heideggers
Before you Marcuse Me
Back in Max Black
Live and Let Leibniz
Kung Fu Fichte
Popper Don't Preach
Christina Aguilera - Nasty Rorty Boy
The Weber Necessities
Rousseauing the Seeds of Love
Heider, Better, Faster, Longer
The Sartre of Noise
Material Hegel
Black Hole Sun Tzu
Umberto Echobelly
Four Franz Fanon Blondes
Machiavelli Furtado who wrote 'The Modern Artist Formerly Known as Prince'
Peabo Bergson
Martin Luther Vandross
Smoke over Walter Benjamin
Achy Breaky Eckhart
Chas & Dave - Gurdjieff
Zhu Xi in the Sky (with Diamonds)
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Luigi Ferry 'cross the Mersey
Level 42 - Lessings in Love
Todd Rundgren's Utopia - Love is the Anselm
Bacon Chance on Me
Aretha Franklin - Fink
Dirty Deeds Duns Scotus Cheap
Durkheim is Running Out
Primal Scream - Kill all Hippias
Knockin' on Heaven's Dawkins
Johnathon King's A Hundred Ton and Lebfevre
Dizzee Pascal
Plug in Buber
Buber one More Time
Hey Big Spengler
Locke of the Bay
Bloch of the Bay
Mary Woolstonekraftwerk
Ain't Nothin' Going on but Hannah Arendt
Muse - Russell Museum
De Do Do Do Derrida Da
Don't go Breaking my Hardt
Negris with Attitude
Derrida Soul
De Man la Soul
Frank Za-Popper
The Mamas and The Poppers
Lenin on a Lamppost
Bat out of Hegel
Ain't no Montaigne High Enough, Ain't Novalis Low Enough
The Hume-an League
Kant Smile Without Hume
Bentham Rhythm Ace
Comte as You Are
Gerry Rafferty - Frege Street
Reverend and the Freges
Everything But Husserl
The Holloway is Up
Plastic Bertrand Russell
Parliament - Aquinas Boogie
Popper's Got a Brand New Bag
White Zombie - More Hume-an than Hume-an
John Lucas in the Sky (with diamonds)
Lukacs in the Sky (with Jared Diamond)
A Hardt Day's Night
A Hardt Rain's Gonna Fall
Yellow Submarendt
David ibn Merwan al-Mukammas You Are
The Wonder of Flew
Lenin the Ghetto
I Gramsci Clearly Now (the rain has gone)
Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
George and Ira Gershwin - Descartes Take That Away From Me
Porno for Pyrrhos
All Arendt the World
Chris Harmanfred Mann
Rock Arendt the Clock
Kings of Leon Trotsky
Russell-CD Soundsystem
Duran Durandus of Saint-Pourçain
Guns n' Rousseau
Velvet Revoltaire
Ernst Bloch Party
Rival Schools - Marcused for Glue
Huxley Rhythm Ace
All Arendt My Hat
Jacob Boehmean Rhapsody
Half Man Half Bishop Berkeley
Travelling Mill-burys
Iron Maiden - Rand to the Hills
Weather Girls - It's Raining Parmenides
Money's Too Tight To Mencius
Van McCoy & The Soul City Symphony - Do the Husserl
Earth, Wind and Feuerbach
For Hume the Bell Tolls
Alanis Morisette - Jagged Little Mill
Shiny Happy Peguy
Wittgenstein Young Cannibals
Fine Jung Cannibals
Dead Singer for Love
Red Hot Chilli Popper
Salt n Popper
The Mamas and the Popper
Bacon Blue
REM - Imitation of Leibniz
Something in the Ayer Tonight
De Manfred Mann
Marina and the Jared Diamond
Boulevard of Bacon Dreams
Lenin the Jungle
Wittgenstein on the Beach
Let's talk about Zizek
Foucault the Police (by Negris with Attitude)
My Milkshake Brings all the Boys to the Baudrillard (and they're Leibniz better than yours)
Schoppenhauer Soon Is Now?
Nietzsche Tonight
The Lost Sartre of Keeping a Secret (by the Quines of the Stone Age)
or by: Aquinas the Stone Age
GramsciMaster Flash & The Furious Five
Je t'Adorno
Dennett Doherty
Sham 69 - Hurry up Aristotle
Gorillaz - Dirty Aristotle
Aerosmith - Just Push Plato
Killer Quine
The Clash - What's my Noam Chomsky?
Husker Du - Zinn Arcade
Quine Latifah
Dancing Quine
Jam - English Rosa Luxemburg
Guns n' Rosa Luxemburg
The Stone Rosa Luxemburg
Gogol Baudrillard
The Damned - Nietzsche Nietzsche Nietzsche
Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Wollstonecraft
Talk Talk - Life's What You Machiavelli It
Talking Heads - Once in a Leibniz
Mao, That's What I Call Music
Al-Thomas More-isette
How Soon is Mao?
Thomas More-issey
Muse - Take a Mao
If you don't know me by Mao
Mao that's the way, uh huh uh huh, I Leibniz, uh huh uh huh
If you leave me Mao, you'll take away the biggest Sartre me
"Mao go! Walk out the Dawkins!"
Mao the West Was Won and Where it Got Us
Mao soon is Mao
Mao Great Thou Sartre
Mao do I live without you?
Where have all the Mao Boys gone?
Milk Mao Blues
Girls A-Mao-d
Play that Foucault Music
Boom Boom Mao
Mao-er of Mao-er
Neil Jared Diamond
Lenin Love With a Girl
The Divine Comte - National Zizek-spress
Zizek-sy Thing
James Brown - Zizek's Machine
Zizek's Ex
It's Hippocrates Square
Kate Bush-Laclau-dbusting
The Modern Prince - I Wanna Melt with Hume
I Wanna Be De Man
How Kuhn is Now?
Sonny & Voltaire
Sun Tzu & Cher
Sun Tzu & Voltaire
Gone too Kuhn
Hegel Jude
I can't tell Alain de Botton from the top
Sound Kierkegaarden
Savage Kierkegaarden
Sting (Kierkegordon Matthew Thomas Summer)
Blue Suede Sun Tzu's
Wake up, Little Zhu Xi
Zhu Xi and the Banshees
Zhu Xi Quattro
Quine - Mao I'm Here
Ayer Yeah Yeahs
Fool if you Fichte's Over
I should be so Lukacs
Bloch Party
Phil Collins - Against All Odds (Take a Lukacs Me Now)
The Lukacs Love
Slade - Lukacs Wot u Dun
Quines of the Stone Age - Sick Sick Socrates
Tenacious D - Rock your Socrates
King Missile - Socks(rates)
Jenny from the Bloch
Super Furry Animals - White Socrates/Flip Flops
Elvis Costello - Red Sun Tzu
KC & The Sunshine Ayn Rand - Boogie Sun Tzus
Adam Ant - Goody Two Sun Tzus
KC & The Sun Tzu Ayn Rand
Locke me, I'm a Deist
Bloch me, I'm a Deist
Superfurry Animals - Juxtaposed with Hume
If you tolerate this, your Mill-dren will be next
From Despair to Weber
Nowhere Schachtmann
Schachtmanfred Mann
Bringing Zizek Back
Nowhere De Man
Ellenin Rigby
Russelleanor Rigby
Eleanor Marx Rigby
From Despair Buber
Chet Frege
Dave Matthews Ayn Rand - The Frege
Led Zeppelin - Ayer Frege (d'yer Maker)
Led Zep-Lenin
Kula Frege
Wittgenstein is Running Out
Quine is Running Out
Out of Quine
Muse - Sun Tzuborn
Muse - Sun Tzuburn
Here Comes the Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu, Bloody Sun Tzu
Seasons in the Sun Tzu
Don't Let the Sun Tzu go down on me
Iggy Popper - Perverts in the Sun Tzu
The Kinks - Sun Tzu Afternoon
Sun Tzu after Hume
You Are My Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu is Shining
Black Hole Sun Tzu
House of the Rising Sun Tzu
Walking on Sun Tzu
Sex Pistols - Holidays in the Sun Tzu
Zizek Pistols
You are the Sun Tzu of my life
You Kant always get what you want
White Zombie - Black Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu has got his hat on
New Order - Confucius
Bill Withers - Ain't no Sun Tzu
Good Day, Sun Tzu
Super Furry Animals - Hello Sun Tzu
RATM - People of the Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu, Lollipops and Ranbows
Nivana - Jesus Don't Want me for a Sun Tzu
The Age of Aquarius (let the Sun Tzu in)
The Eagles - Tequila Sun Tzu
Pink Floyd - Two Suns in the Sun Tzu
Easy Like Sun Tzu Morning
Len(in) - Steal my Sun Tzu
Don't Look Back into the Sun Tzu
Bring me Sun Tzu
Metallica - Enter Sand-De Man
Quine Jung Cannibals
Russell-vis Presley
Russell-vis Costello
Faith no More - Land of Sun Tzu
Genesis - Land of Confucius
Mr Bungle - The Ayer Conditioned NightMary Woolstonecraft
Rob Zombie - Mao to Frege Monster
Mr Bungle - Everyone I went to High School with is Derrida
Johnny Lukacs - Lenin the Kierkegaarden
Afro De Man - Because I got Heidegger
Cypress Mill - I want to get Heigegger
Cypress Mill - Dr GreenthUmberto Eco
Smells Like Teen Spinoza
M - Popper Muzik
Popper goes the Weasel
Bacon Breaky Hardt
Peggy Zhu Xi
British St Francis of Asisi Power
Two St Francis of Asisi Suns in the Sun Tzu
Alice in Chains - St Francis of Asisi of Sorrow
Beatles - St Francis of Asisi of Time
Beatles - St Francis of Asisi of Holes
Beatles - St Francis of Asisi of Monsters
Boredoms - St Francis of Asisi Drum
Sonic Youth - The Diamond St Francis of Asisi
The Leibniz Family
Belle & Sebastian - Ease your feet into St Francis of Asisi
I like to be, under St Francis of Asisi, in an Octopus's Kierkegaarden in the Shade
The Cure - Edge of the Deep Green St Francis of Asisi
Black Sabbath - Children of St Francis of Asisi
The Horrors - St Francis of Asisi within a sea
Serge Gainsbourg - St Francis of Asisi, Zizek and Sun Tzu
Kaiser Chiefs - De Man-gry Hobbes
Rocket De Man
REM - I am Super De Man
Lamb of Gottlob Frege
Hey, Mr Tambourine De Man
Metallica - Enter Ayn Rand Man
The Feelgood Hit of the Sun Tzu
Super Furry Animals - The Nietzsche
Elton John - Nietzsche I need Hume
Travis - Writing to Nietzsche
The Nietzsches (Features)
When De Man Loves a Woman
Pleased to Nietzsche
Avenged Sevenfold - Bacon the Fallen
Bacon up Before you Go Go
Quine of the Damned - For Bacon
Bacon Care of Business
Bacon Back Sun Tzu (Taking Back Sunday)
3 Colours Red - Popper Girl
Bob Dylan - Popper Kettle
The Carpenters - Popper the World
50 Cent - Window Popper
The Style Count of St Germain
Fanon the Moon
De Man on the Moon
Mr Bungle - Mary Woolstonecraft go Bye Bye
Mr Bungle - Girls of Adorno
Adorno of a Broken Man
Adorno to be Wild
Adorno in the USA
Adorno to Run
Calvin Aristotle - "I've Gottlob Frege for Hume, if you Adorno the 80s"
Jimmy Crack Adorno
Tony Orlando Adorno
Adorno-mower Deth
Bob Dylan - Only Adorno Their Game
Adorno for Pyros
Smashing Pumpkins - Adorno
The Adorno! Team
Rammstein - Feuerbach Frei
Rammstein - Engels
"Adorno no Adorno no no there's no limits"
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Adorno
Van Morris-Sun Tzu
Jim Morris-Sun Tzu
Ace of Bacon - I saw the Quine
Buber Furry Animals
Quine Jung Fanonbals
Captain Beefhardt and the Magic Ayn Rand
Aquinas - Buber Girl
Meat Loaf - Out of the Frying Pan (and into the Feuerbach)
REM - I am Buberman
Locke Party
Ian Drury and the Lockeheads
Ian Drury and the Blochheads
It's Arendt of the World as we Know it (and I feel Quine)
Street Fichte Man
Street Fighting De Man
Radio Frege Europe
Frege Nelson Mandela
God Save the Quine
Huxley Nelson Mandela
Free Nelson De Mandela
"(Thomas) More More More! Mao do you like it? Mao do you like it?"
Pet Shop Boys - West Arendt Girls
Adorno and the Ants
I want to break Frege
Emma Sun Tzu, Lake and Palmer
Barry Fanonlow
Tony Cliff Richard
Jimmy Tony Cliff
We Have all the Quine in the World
Red Red Quine
Suzanne Vega - Tom's Quiner
The Girl is Quine
Quine Inch Nails
Patsy Quine
The Serge-ers
Mr Bungle - Desert Serge for Techno Allah
Hume2 - Still Arendt Found What I'm Looking For
Mr Bungle - Carry Stress in the Shaw
Fantomas - Good Morning Slavoj
Slavoj to the Rhythm
Sepultura - Slavoj of Pain
Bob Marley - Slavoj Driver
Napalm Death - Quine waits for no Slavoj
ThomasMorek (Tomahawk)
Why, Why, Why, DeLeibniz?
Bloch Betty
Ayer Supply
Marilyn De Manson
De Mansun
Mansun Tzu
Billie Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Marky Marx
Buber Furry Animals - De Man Loves Pauline
Ralph Milibandy Warhols
The Glenn Miliband
Weber This City (on Socrates and Roland Barthes)
Bullet for my Valentine - Bacon the De Man
Robbie Williams - I'm Loving Engels Instead
Papa Roach - Between Engels and Insects
Michael Jackson - Speed De Man
Slayer - Engels of Death
Eurythmics - There Must be an Engels
Gorillaz - De Man Days
De Man Hunter
The Killers - A White De Man Love Song
Earth Engels
Steelheart - I'll never let Hume go (Engels eyes)
Willie Nelson - Seven Spanish Engels
Hume2 - If God Will Send his Engels
ABBA - I Believe in Engels
Engels Eyes
Faith No (Thomas) More - Engelsdust
Velvet Underground - Black Engels Death Song
Kollontai Just Don't Know What to Derrida Myself
Alabama - Engels Amongst Us
Hume2 - Engels of Harlem
Black Crowes - She Talks to Engels
Bakunin Crowes
Scorpions - Send me an Engels
Bloc Sartre
Sartre Garfunkel
Peggy Sun Tzu
De Man Don't Give a Foucault
Bakhtin Black
Bakunin the USSR
The Locke of Love
British Sea Bauer
Back in Bloch
Bloch Crows
Bloch Sabbath
Bob Marley - (Walter) BenJammin'
Gerry & The Pace Machiavelli
De Man La Soul
Deee Man-Lite - Groove is in the Hardt
Gerry and the PaceFreges
I Love Locke & Roll (so put another dime in the Juke Bloch Baby)
Been a Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu of My Father

If you made it through that then you deserve a reward. Here it is:

You read it - You can't unread it.


It's only one poll, almost equidistant between general elections, but for the time being the UK Independence Party has replaced the (fast disappearing) Liberal Democrats as Britain's 3rd party. These voters are being attracted overwhelmingly from the Tory party. This means one thing. There are several million people in Britain for whom this government is not right-wing enough; there isn't enough union bashing, not enough service cutting, too many kids in education, employment or training, grannies are too warm in the winter, the sick and disabled are getting too much care. 

This is also probably a Breivik bounce. The normally not-great Jonathan Freedland of the Guardian has got it spot on here, about the unfolding catastrophe of the Breivik trial:

My Guardian colleague Vikram Dodd, who covered that London trial, was struck when he heard a Radio 5 Live phone-in this week that was regularly interrupted by snippets from Breivik's statement. "The grammar of the coverage was as if this was the chancellor giving his budget," says Dodd.More than one caller to that programme, while quick to insist they disagreed with Breivik's methods, did rather think the Norwegian had a point about multiculturalism run riot. "I can understand where this guy's coming from," said Tom from Dover. Several readers of a Guardian article sought to post comments in the same vein, calling for "a complete stop of immigration from Muslim countries" and suchlike. To listen to it, you'd think Breivik had simply wanted to start a debate, that he'd perhaps written a provocative pamphlet for Demos, rather than committed an act of murderous cruelty.
This is the backbone of (potential) British fascism beginning to flex (a fascist party in Britain will come, if we are not vigilant and active, in part from a party like the UK Independence Party lurching rightward). I warn you, there will be mass-murdering fascists in Britain soon.

Everyone knows rock attained perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact...

We live in an age where it's better to look young, act young, but not be young. Post War rebellion ...and upheval was driven by prosperity, its bearers were the young. Who saw the no material reason why they must defer pleasure or self-realisation, as previous generations did. Anything that stood in the way, the class barriers, organised religion, the education system, had to be razed. An ambigous urge that could be just as much Thatcherite as socialist, you could see it as a class moving up or people moving up out of their class. 

That dream has been eroded almost to nothing. Neoliberalism means the end of the future. No one looks forward to the future anymore, compare that to the 1960s... The dream of ever expanding prosperity started to fade between the oil crisisand the IMF bailout. Punk comes after this, it comes in with all the other music trends that have happened since; plenty of good music, plenty more mediocre and awful music, but it does not have the spark, it is the Imitation of Life. It needs repeating. The constant worry about whether pop music and youth culture are vital any more is at best tilting at windmills. Youth culture today makes no impact on wider society because young people have been progressively marginalised.

Halal, is it meat you're looking for?

#foodsongs started trending earlier tonight. Here's what I had to contribute:

Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Sandwich
Metallica - Enter Sandwich
Brimfull of Mash-a
Plug in Baked Bean
Suet Child of Mine
Anything by Pasty Cline or Cake That
Bread Bread Wine
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of Cheese)
I Will Always Love Stew
Sushi in the Sky (with Diamonds)
When a Flan Loves a Warm Naan
Everything I do (I do it for Stew)
I Would Stew Anything for Love (but I won't Stew Fat)
The Naan don't give a Fuck
Baby you can fry my carp
After Eight days a week
Papa's got a Brand New Baguette
Little Green Baguette
Save all your Quiches for Tea
Welcome to the House of Bun
Baguette Trousers
Lettuce Dance
Lettuce Snow, Lettuce Snow, Lettuce Snow
I Believe I can Fry (I believe I can touch the Pie)
Pork this Way
Food looks like a Lady
Wake up Little Sushi
Living in a Burger Bar
Holding out (for an Aero)
Anything by Lurpak Shakur
The Liver of Creams
Eaten Trifles
Chipstick on your Collar
Can't Smile without Stew
Jackson 5 - Can you fillet?
I want to bake Brie
In the Eclair Tonight
Fresh Chicken in the USA
Alisha's Attic - I Spam, I Veal
Metallica - Sad but Stew
Nine Inch Nails - Bread Like a Roll
Don't go Baking my Tart
Heaven Must be Missing an Angel Delight
Popadom Preach
Suet Home Alabama
A Lard Day's Night
Onion Ring of Fire
Chocolate Orange Crush
This one goes out to the Bun I Love
Buns n' (Cadbury's) Roses - Stew Could be Brine
Eat it
Meat it
Sundae, Bloody Sundae
You're not a Scone
Bullet with Butterfly Chicken Breast

While here are some other highlights:

Mullet in the Head
Bean Beany
Since You've Been Scone
Rice Rice Baby
Fry me a Kipper
You can't Curry Love
Cake on Me
Take Another Little Pizza my Heart
Like a Gherkin
Sausage Seems to be the Hardest Word
Total Eclipse of the Tart
Super Massive Black Pudding
Jumping Jack Mash
This Charming Naan
Pasty Dutchie on the Left Hand Side
No Gammon, no Fries
Under the Fridge
Yoghurt the Love
Sealed with Haggis
Anything by Jason Doner Van
My Blue Meringue Won't Come Back
Smells like Bean Spirit
Don't Let the Bun go Down on Me
The Long and Winding Roast
Give Peas a Chance
In the Gravy
The Soup Soup Song
Roquefort Around the Clock
Hula Hoops Upside Your Head
Spaghetti Hoops Upside Your Head
Bun to the Hills
Cheese Electric
Cheese the One
It's my Chapatti and I'll Cry if I Want to
Girlfriend in a Korma
Circles in the Sandwich
Paradise by the Muller Light
Girls Just Wanna Have Bun

Happy now?

Dr Ugs

Interesting news, well, almost news, the suggestion has come from the Summit of the Americas, that there may be a coming yielding in the war on drugs:

... Largely due to the efforts of Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina, who in the Guardian issued a passionate argument on behalf of reform, proposing "to abandon any ideological position (whether prohibition or liberalisation) and to foster a global intergovernmental dialogue based on a realistic approach – drug regulation".

Is this the beginning of the end of the war on drugs?

Although Obama has been clear that he opposes all forms of decriminalisation and legalisation, he admitted that drug reform was a debatable issue, stating: "I think it is entirely legitimate to have a conversation about whether the laws in place are doing more harm than good in certain places." Perhaps even more telling was Harper, who conceded at a press conference that the drug war was "not working".

This is not your run of the mill set of public figures calling for decriminalisation of this, legalisation of that, but heads of state suggesting a change of policy, maybe even a ceasefire. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's remember a few things:

1) This is an issue of political economy. Drugs make money. Crack cocaine is the single most profitable commodity on Earth. The world's great financial centres are heavily implicated in laundering. If drug money ceased to flow the world would certainly plunge into recession. This is a powerful impediment to any shake-up.

2) This is an issue of geo-politics. Poor nations, and poor farmers within poor nations, suffer because they have to export primary commodities at larger relative cost, which are vulnerable to fluctuations in price. Drugs are a sure fire cash crop. Prohibition helps keep said farmers down at heel, it reinforces the power relationship between Global North and South and also strengthens the hand of the cartels.

3) This is an issue of class, race and policing. The war on drugs ploughs the road for more and more agressive and invasive policing of working class and ethnic minority communities, who are the intended victims of all policing.

These are three important obstacles blocking liberalisation. Prohibition is a 20th century phenomenon. It is often attributed to the campaigning of Harry J Anslinger, who explicitly linked prohibition with race. Of course prohibition was a much bigger movement. For example, UN Convention of Psychotropic Drugs requires all member states to prohibit the manufacture and sale of LSD25 (amongst other substances).

Prohibition is inbuilt into the way the ruling class does things, how it governs. This issue will be very difficult to shift.

For a few raisins more

Yes, the lists are back. This week is a music and light entertainment list (slightly abridged due to people's rather wide intepretation of light entertainment). Thanks to Keith, Julie and Ruairdh.
Kim Deal or No Deal
Sly and the Family Fortunes
Fine Young Casualty
Who Wants to Be a Million Dead
Noel's Bloc Party
Noel's Bauhaus Party
Noel's House of Pain
Bob's Full House of Pain
All Creatures Great and Small Faces
New Kids on the Blockbusters
Through the Butthole Surfers
Massive Art Attack
Have I Got Muse for You?
Big Brotherhood of Man
Lovejoy Division
Mr Mr Bean
Mr Mr and Mrs
Father Ted Nugent
Are You Smarter than Ten Pole Tudor?
Are You Smarter than 10,000 Maniacs
Cash in Alysha's Attic
Bargain Blunt
Aerosmith and Jones
System of a Countdown
System of a Downton Abbey
How I Metallica Your Mother
Coldplay Your Cards Right
Pets Win Primus
Gay Dad's Army
East Enya
Westlife Swap
Hill Street Blues Traveller
Simple Minder
Jimmy Eat Gardener's World
Jimmy Eat Whicker's World
Good Morning with Anne and Nickelback

Next week, actually existing footballers with amusing names. You have been warned.

Two trials...

One just ending, one beginning. Coming to a close the trial of Alfie Meadows and co. In my opinion reading the court reports you can see the defence has been excellent. This is a most important case; aggressive and egregiously political policing was used against the student movement of November/December 2010, the first mass movement against enforced austerity, a movement which was causing the government to falter, the coalition to come apart.

If the imprisonment and battery of children and young adults is allowed to stand, if it is deemed to be 'proportionate policing', as the Commander on the day described it, it will be a dark day for us all. I fear for the people on trial. The business end of the state urgently needs to sweep through London, make it a happy place for capitalists of the world to enjoy their Olympics. The state would think nothing of sacrificing young lives to this end. In my opinion if Alfie Meadows is found guilty we will all have to watch out for each other. If Alfie Meadows, who nearly died at the hands of the police, can be sent down for violent disorder, they can come for any of us.

Just beginning, the trial of fascist child murderer Anders Breivik. He did it. He killed 77 people, mostly teenagers at a youth camp. He does not deny it. If he is allowed to turn the trial into a political exposition, if his 'self-defence' argument is given any credence we will be in deep trouble. This is an important political event. There is great responsibility on the prosecution. If they get it wrong we could be facing the prospect of Breivikite attacks across the continent.


Maybe this is genuine, maybe it isn't. Maybe these are actually existing overeducated, amiable airheads, maybe it was all concocted by Chris Morris. Either way I want you to look at this (pointed out to me by the sterling class-warrior Keith Watermelon). This, apparently, is an advert for a flatshare:

So check it, we've chanced upon a relatively inexpensive yet glorious palace in Streatham. Only trouble being that theres a gaping hole waiting to be filled by 2 beautiful souls... 
We've one small and one medium size room in a chunky 3 story house with a garden, delicious kitchen, delectable dining room, wonderful living room, etc etc. public transport links are good, all manner of shops at the end of the road, and 3 choice cuts of mankind currently inhabiting. if you are prime to live and love life in a most splendid setting, do read on… 
Yes read on, it's some of the most astonishing prose written in living memory, and it's an ad for a flatshare... In Streatham.

Whether they know it or not, Hipsters are the grave diggers of working class communities in London. Nature abhors a vacuum. Where rent rises and housing benefit caps clear out the working poor and unemployed to languish, if they're lucky, in places like Croydon, Romford or Staines, do nothing, know nothing underage oxygen thieving BoBos fill the void, and they fill it with vegan crunk nights.

Oh, and this is the picture accompanying the ad... It really, really is...

Are all Daily Mail columnists mad?

Or is it just Alexander Boot? Herr Boot thinks that homosexuality is not a disease, no, merely a 100 to 1 aberration  one that, we will see below, can apparently be 'taught'... by his maths it's clearly not taught well... either that or there's something wrong with his maths... But, so far, so Daily Heil. Alexander Boot deserves a special mention. Boot also thinks that Trenton Oldfield, boat race disruptor, graduating from the London School of Economics proves that the Fabian society (founded by "lifetime followers of Lenin") is destroying our society but, luckily Herbert Marcuse (another famous member) has given the game away. The aims of the Fabian Society are:

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
You remember this plan, don't you? The secret plan...? No...?

All too true

If you started it with 1) Get on a train from Cambridgeshire 2) move down to an East London flat, you'd have the hipster plan for world domination.


From evidence given in the Alfie Meadows trial:
Mansfield [for the defence] questioned [Commander] Johnson’s tactics once again, asking him if he understood the difference between ‘high-profile’ and ‘low-profile’ policing to which Johnson replied ‘I use proportionate policing’. Mansfield referred to Johnson’s handling of the G20 protest and the way ‘thing went wrong there’. Johnson said he didn’t accept things had gone wrong, to which Mansfield responded ‘somebody died there’. ‘They did, yes,’ replied Johnson.

You have to bear in mind this is probably not a gaffe (even though it should look bad to any right-thinking person). This is Total Policing. Things did not 'go wrong' at the G20, at least not for the police, who demonstrated their power and, through that, the power of the British capitalist class. Somebody died, but people do that all the time. The point was people were made that little bit more afraid of expressing their politics.

Things did not go wrong for the police on Westminster Bridge either, where several thousand young people were corralled in sub-zero temperatures and Hillsborough-like conditions by commander Johnson's men. It was revenge for the humiliation inflicted on the police by the students invasion of Millbank Tower.

Rendition, say what?

Tony Blair says he has no memory of rendition of prisoners to Libya, but you know what they say, if you can remember what the Blair government was like you were never really in it.

Because sooner or later everyone is deemed a 'victim'

George Zimmerman has hit the internet. The man who shot Trayvon Martin is trying to raise money for a legal defence. In his preamble he apparently says "On Sunday February 26th [night of the shooting], I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage". This is as opposed to Trayvon Martin, who was involved in a life ending event. Also Zimmerman wasn't "involved" in the event, that implies it was something that happened to him, he wasn't involved, he initiated the event; shooting an unarmed man is as pro-active as it gets.


A useful list: miscarriages of justice, listed by Wikipedia. Memorise enough of these. If ever you get cornered by a capital punishment bore reel them off, ask the bore which of these deserved to die. From the UK list:

John Alexander Dickman was wrongfully convicted of the murder of John Nisbet on 6 July 1910, and sentenced to death, on purely circumstantial evidence, and on the basis of an ID parade where the witness was tainted. The Home Secretary of the time, Winston Churchill, took a keen interest in the case, and he expressed doubts about the evidence. A campaign was run to free Dickman, but John Dickman was hanged in Newcastle Prison on 10 August 1910. In 1925 a person called "Condor" confessed to killing John Nisbet. The document of 40,000 words spread over 205 pages was sent to Truth Magazine. The document was sent on to the Home Office but they refused to order the police to investigate it.
William Herbert Wallace who was convicted of murdering his wife, but the conviction was overturned by the Court of Criminal Appeal in 1931, the first such instance of a capital conviction being quashed.
Walter Graham Rowland was tried for a murder in Manchester and hanged in 1947, despite poor identification evidence and a confession from another.
Timothy Evans's wife and young daughter were killed in 1949. Evans was convicted of the murder of his daughter and was hanged in 1950. An official inquiry conducted 15 years later determined that the real killer of Evans's daughter had been Evans's co-tenant, serial killer John Reginald Halliday Christie. Christie was also responsible for the death of Evans's wife, his own wife, and six other women. He was the chief witness against Evans at his trial because the police accepted all of his statements as fact. The police were incompetent in their several searches of the house at Rillington Place, missing bones of earlier victims exposed in the tiny garden of the property. They also concocted false confessions from Evans to justify their accusations against Evans. The case was important in leading directly to the abolition of capital punishment in 1965 in the UK.
Mahmood Mattan, little known case of a Somali fisherman, hanged in Cardiff in 1952. Conviction overtured in 1998. £1.4 million compensation was shared out between Mattan's widow Laura, and her three children.
Derek Bentley, executed for murdering a police officer. The charge was based on the allegation that during a standoff with police, he shouted to an armed friend 'Let him have it, Chris'. The case is often said to be a miscarriage of justice, and the verdict was overturned half a century later. It should be noted, however, that the grounds for overturning the verdict was that the trial had not been fair, due to various procedural defects. Had Bentley still been alive, there would certainly have been a retrial; he was not pronounced innocent by the Court of Appeal.
Andrew Evans served more than 25 years for the murder of 14-year-old Judith Roberts. He confessed to the 1972 murder after seeing the girl's face in a dream. His conviction was overturned in 1997.
Stephen Downing was convicted of the murder of Wendy Sewell in a Bakewell churchyard in 1973. The 17-year-old had a reading age of 11 and worked at the cemetery as a gardener. The police made him sign a confession that he was unable to read. The case gained international notoriety as the "Bakewell Tart" murder. After spending 27 years in prison, Stephen Downing was released on bail in February 2001, pending the result of an appeal. His conviction was finally overturned in January 2002.
The Birmingham Six were fraudulently convicted in 1975 of planting two bombs in pubs in Birmingham in 1974 which killed 21 people and injured 182. They were finally released in 1991.
In 1974 Judith Ward was convicted of murder of several people caused by a number of IRA bombings 1973. She was finally released in 1992 having served 18 years in prison.
The Guildford Four and Maguire Seven were wrongly convicted in 1974 and 1976 respectively of planting bombs in various pubs in Guildford and Woolwich. Their convictions were quashed in 1989 and 1991. On February 9, 2005, British Prime Minister Tony Blair issued a public apology to the Maguire Seven and the Guildford Four for the "miscarriages of justice they had suffered."
Stefan Kiszko was convicted in 1976 for the rape and murder of an 11-year old Lesley Molseed in 1975. He spent 16 years in prison before he was released in 1992, after a long campaign by his mother. He died of a heart attack the following year at the age of 41. His mother died a few months later. In 2007, Ronald Castree, of Shaw, near Oldham, was found to have the same DNA as Lesley's attacker and was convicted at Bradford Crown Court.
John Joseph Boyle aged 18 was convicted under the pretenses of an alleged confession at Belfast City Commission on October 14, 1977 of possession of firearms and ammunition with intent to endanger life, and membership in the I.R.A. He was sentenced to ten years in prison on the first count, and to two years in prison on the second count, the terms to run concurrently. A suspended sentence of two years imprisonment imposed for a previous offense was also invoked, making a total of twelve years in prison. When released he underwent a long fight to prove his innocence. In 2003, his conviction was quashed but he has been denied compensation.
Paul Blackburn was convicted in 1978 when aged 15 of the attempted murder of a 9-year old boy, and spent more than 25 years in 18 different prisons, during which time he maintained his innocence. He said he had never considered saying he was guilty to secure an earlier release because it was a matter of "integrity". He was finally released in May 2005 having served 25 years when the Court of Appeal ruled his trial was unfair and his conviction 'unsafe'.
The Bridgewater Four were convicted in 1979 of murdering Carl Bridgewater, a 13-year-old paper boy who was shot on his round when he disturbed robbers at a farm in Staffordshire. Patrick Molloy died in jail in 1981. The remaining three were released in 1997 after their convictions were overturned.
Peter Fell, a former hospital porter, described in the media as a "serial confessor" and a "fantasist", was sentenced to two life terms in 1984 for the murder of Ann Lee and Margaret "Peggy" Johnson, who were killed while they were out walking their dogs in 1982. His conviction was overturned in 2001. He had served 17 years.
Sean Hodgson, also known as Robert Graham Hodgson, was convicted in 1982 of murder following various confessions to police, although he pleaded not guilty at his trial. His defence said he was a pathological liar and the confessions were untrue. He was freed on March 18, 2009 by the Court of Appeal as a result of advances in DNA analysis which established his innocence.
Winston Silcott was jailed for the murder of PC Keith Blakelock during the 1985 Broadwater Farm Riot in Tottenham. He was cleared in 1991, when new evidence came to light.
Kenny Richey, a UK-US dual citizen, spent 21 years on Death Row in the US after being convicted of starting a fire that killed 2-year-old Cynthia Collins. His conviction was eventually thrown out. Richey agreed to a plea bargain in which he agreed to plead 'no contest' to involuntary manslaughter, child endangering and breaking and entering. In exchange for this plea, the prosecution dropped the charges of arson and murder. Part of the agreement was that Richey leave the U.S. immediately.
The Cardiff Newsagent Three, Michael O'Brien (of the Cardiff Newsagent Three), Darren Hall and Ellis Sherwood, were wrongly convicted for the murder of a newsagent, Phillip Saunders. On October 12, 1987 Mr Saunders, 52, was battered with a spade outside his Cardiff home. The day's takings from his kiosk had been stolen, and five days later he died of his injuries. The three men spent 11 years in jail before the Court of Appeal quashed the conviction in 1999. The three have since been paid six figure compensation, but South Wales Police had still not apologised or admitted liability for malicious prosecution or misfeasance.
Michelle and Lisa Taylor, wrongly convicted for the murder in 1991 of Alison Shaughnessy, a bank clerk who was the bride of Michelle's former lover. The trial was heavily influenced by inaccurate media reporting and deemed unfair.
Colin Stagg falsely imprisoned for the Rachel Nickell murder case on Wimbledon Common, London in 1992, but cleared in 1994. The case was thrown out on the grounds that police had used a "honey trap" plot in a bid to encourage him to confess. On November 28, 2007, Robert Napper, a convicted rapist and serial killer, was charged with her murder on the basis of new DNA evidence, and convicted on December 18, 2008. Stagg was subsequently awarded £706,000 compensation, and claims the false conviction ruined 14 years of his life, as he became unemployable and shunned.
The Cardiff Three, Steven Miller, Yusef Abdullahi, and Tony Paris were falsely jailed for the murder of prostitute Lynette White, stabbed more than 50 times in a frenzied attack in a flat above a betting shop in Cardiff's Butetown area on Valentine's Day 1988, in 1990 and later cleared on appeal. In 2003, Jeffrey Gafoor was jailed for life for the murder. The breakthrough was due to modern DNA techniques used on evidence taken from the crime scene. Subsequently, in 2005, nine retired Police Officers and three serving Officers were arrested and questioned for false imprisonment, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and misconduct in public office. On 6 July 2011, eight of the officers stood trial at Swansea Crown Court for perverting the course of justice together with three witnesses accused of perjury. However, on 1st Decemver 2011 the entire case collapsed, as the judge ruled the police officers could not be given a fair trial due to the previous publicity.
Sally Clark was convicted in 1996 of the murder of her two small sons Christopher and Harry, and spent three years in jail, finally being released in 2003 on appeal. The convictions were based solely on the analysis of the deaths by the Home Office Pathologist Alan Williams, who failed to disclose relevant information about the deaths, and backed up by the paediatric professor Sir Roy Meadow, whose opinion was pivotal in several other child death convictions, many of which have been overturned or are in the process of being disputed. In 2005 Williams was found guilty of serious professional misconduct and barred from practicing pathology for 3 years. In July 2005 Meadow was also removed from the Medical Register for serious professional misconduct and prohibited from practicing medicine. Sally Clark became an alcoholic as a result of her ordeal and died of alcohol poisoning in 2006.
The Gurnos Three, also known as the Merthyr Tydfil Arson Case (Annette Hewins, Donna Clarke and Denise Sullivan). Wrongly convicted of the arson attack on the home of Diane Jones, aged 21, in October 1995. Someone had torn away part of the covering of her front door and poured in petrol to start the fire. The fire spread so rapidly that Ms Jones and her two daughters, Shauna, aged two and Sarah-Jane, aged 13 months, were all killed. The convictions of Ms Hewins and Ms Clarke were quashed at the Court of Appeal in February 1998 and a retrial ordered in the case of Ms Clarke.
Donna Anthony, 25 at the time, was wrongly jailed in 1998 for the death of her 11 month old son, and finally released in 2005, also because of the opinion of Sir Roy Meadow.
Angela Cannings also jailed wrongly for four years on the now discredited evidence of Sir Roy Meadow. Angela was later stalked by a jail inmate she befriended, and the strain of the wrongful conviction destroyed her marriage.
Barry George was cleared on August 1, 2008 of murdering Jill Dando after a retrial in which police were unable to rely on discredited forensic evidence.
David Carrington-Jones was released on October 16, 2007, after spending six years in jail for a rape he did not commit, having been previously found guilty on two counts of rape and sexual assault against a pair of teenage sisters in December 2000. One of the accusers subsequently admitted to police she made up the allegations against her stepfather Mr Carrington-Jones because she 'did not like him'. It has transpired that the girl had previously made up other allegations of rape against her brother, fiancée, stepfather and even a customer at her work, but the jury was not told of this, and Mr Carrington-Jones was sentenced to a ten-year jail term at Lewes Crown Court. He was later refused parole hearings because he refused to admit his guilt. Mr Carrington-Jones is said to be discussing claiming compensation.
Suzanne Holdsworth served three years of a life sentence after she was convicted in 2005 of murdering Kyle Fisher, a neighbour's two-year-old son, by repeatedly banging his head against a wooden bannister at her home in Hartlepool. She was found not guilty in 2008 by the Court of Appeal after new medical evidence suggested Kyle may have died from an epileptic seizure.
Sion Jenkins, acquitted after a second retrial of the murder of Billie-Jo Jenkins in February 2006. Jenkins was convicted in 1998 but the conviction was quashed in 2004 following a CCRC referral. The basis of the quashed conviction at the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) were the concessions by the Crown's pathologist that evidence given at the first tribunal were inaccurate.
Barri White and Keith Hyatt. On 12 December 2000, Rachel Manning, aged 19, was found strangled to death and her face battered with a car crook lock, in the grounds of Woburn Golf Club, in Milton Keynes, Bucks. Her boyfriend, Barri White, 20 at the time, was jailed for life in 2002 for her murder, only to be freed after being acquitted of killing her at a retrial. Mr White's co-accused, Keith Hyatt, 47 at the time, served two-and-a-half years for perverting the course of justice, relating to the post-death battering of the victim’s face, before also having his conviction quashed. Dr Peter Bull, an expert in geo-science forensics, labelled the evidence 'totally implausible'. Subsequently, in 2011, Shahidul Ahmed, 40, from Bletchley, appeared at Milton Keynes Magistrates' Court and was remanded in custody for her murder after the case was reinvestigated by a new team.


... is still the place; a photo of Saturn and Titan taken this January by the Cassini Orbiter. Doesn't the planet look serene? From that photo alone you couldn't reckon for the 1,000 mph winds raging through its atmosphere. Fans of the sublime (ehwho?) might want to note, Titan is tidally locked. Like our own Moon it shows the same face to the planet as it orbits. If you were able to stand on the intersection between the equator and the meridian and look up you would see Saturn directly above you, hanging almost motionless and filling the sky. Remember, Another World is Possible, it could be a gas giant, an icy moon, a Hot Neptune or a Super Earth... If you can imagine it the universe can make it.

Stop the Tories, stop them now...

It is sometimes suggested that trade unionism and politics are two separate activities and that they should remain so. Last November millions of public sector trade unionists struck in opposition to changes in their pensions the headline figure being a 3% increase in members contributions, basically a special income tax to pay levied on those workers to pay for bankers in need. 61% of the public backed the strikers against the government. The point being strikes change public opinion, the bigger and more significant the strikes the better the change.

 Since then various union leaderships have tried to abandon the struggle, other leaders have tried to downgrade it. They have been doing what union leaders always do without sufficient rank and file pressure put on them. Since then the NHS destruction bill has passed (without so much as a national demonstration, let alone ballot from any of the health unions). We've also seen Gideon Osborne's fuck you budget, complete with the abolition of the 50p tax rate, balanced by decreased tax allowances for pensioners, and working families. Michael Gove's nutty schemes have kept on coming. We've even had ministers advising us to store petrol in the event of a non-existent strike. Nuttiest of all we've seen goverment proposals to withdraw housing benefit from under 25s and Tory MPs suggesting prisoners should do litter picking in chain gangs, how that's supposed to make Britain's refuse collectors feel I don't know.

 The Tories only do these crazy things because they reckon they can get away with it. Trade unions are the core of the opposition in the country. They MUST fight.

William Burroughs and the origin of cut-ups


Well, the first part you already know; London is being turned into a giant barracks:

Security officials are exploiting the Olympics as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to multiply and militarise their weapons stocks, laminating another layer on to the surveillance state. The Games justify a security architecture to prevent terrorism, but that architecture can double to suppress or intimidate acts of political dissent. The Olympic Charter actually prohibits political activism, stating, "no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas". What "other areas" means is open to broad interpretation. So despite Olympics human-rights rhetoric, the charter dictates – if indirectly – that local authorities squelch political activism. On cue, London police recently vowed to scour social media to sniff out any organised protests or disruptions.

The Olympics will militarise London, with surface-to-air missiles at the ready, a Royal Navy battleship moored offshore, and soldiers on patrol. After initially estimating 10,000 security guards would suffice, the London organising committee determined more than double that number would be required. The ministry of defence is filling the gap with about 13,500 military personnel, 4,000 more than are currently based in Afghanistan. Not placated, the US declared it will send its own security to London, including 500 FBI agents.

Enjoy the Olympics, OR ELSE! Do you reckon these provisions will be removed after the games are over? It'll be interesting because the word on the grapevine is the EDL are planning another close encounter of the third reich in East London this August, Walthamstow, apparently, which is an Olympic borough. What're the odds the state will make an exception, again, for the fascists?

If you want to head off that threat you can start by letting everyone know about it. London was, is and always should be a nazi free zone. The next thing you can do is make Luton a nazi free zone, May 5th, national counter-demonstration against the EDL. The last time the master race went there their friends in the police turned the centre of Luton into a ghost town. Lets try to keep it open this time, open to all, except the fascists.