Pink Fire Pointer Gramsci Funk Railroad paved the way for Jefferson Ayerplane, which cleared the way for Jefferson Stalin. The stage was now set for the Alan Parsons Proudhon, which I believe was some sort of hovercraft.

Gramsci Funk Railroad paved the way for Jefferson Ayerplane, which cleared the way for Jefferson Stalin. The stage was now set for the Alan Parsons Proudhon, which I believe was some sort of hovercraft.

Here it is then - the much hyped second album.

Writing credits to Roobin, The Doc of Rock, Ian, Ru, Steve Bandiera Rossa and Ted Splitter. And without further Badiou:

C.L.R. James - Sit Down
Ricoeur Deep, Montaigne High
Girls go Crazy About a Sartre Dressed Man...
Jinul's Addiction - Standing in the Schoppenhauer, thinking
The Hippias Hippias Shake
Holding out for a Hereclitus
Total Eclipse of the Hardt
How much is that Dogen Zenji in the window?
Gettier Kicks on Route 66
I'm too Zizek-xy
Seize the Descartes
Rickert don't lose that number
Jared Diamonds are Forever
M'Adorno - Bordieuline
Quine - The Descartes of our Leibniz
AudioSlavoj - Some Descartes
One Quine Descartes
Descartes & Confucius
Led Zep - Whole Aliotta Love
Mr Bungle - Carry Stress in the Giordano Bruno
Holding out for a Zeno
Zeno Boys - Lenin in the 80s
Village Peguy - Lenin the Navy
Wings - Mull of Alasdair MacIntyre
Spinoza in the sky
Bee Gees - Jive Dawkins
Visage - Fade to Grayling
The Old Grayling Whistle Test
Top of the Popper
Cheggers Plato Popper
The Buzzcomte
Later with Jools Hölderlin
Rob Zombie - De Man-oid PhenomZeno-n
Rob Zombie - Jesus Wittgenstein
Wittgenstein Drag Quines from Planet Therborn
Ayerosmith - Walk this Weber
Electric Wittgenstein
Bob Dylan - Rabelais, Lady, Lay
Zhu Xi Quatro - Lacan the Can
Barry Fanonlow - Kant Smile Without Lao Tzu
Dire Strasser - Romero & Juliet
Frege Chance on Me
Michael Jackson - Schiller
Frege Nother Little Piece of my Hardt
Psycho Schiller
Schiller Quine
Bodycount of St Germain - Cop Schiller
Snoop Dogg - Serial Schiller
George Michael - I want your Sextus Empiricus
The Schillers - When Hume were Jung
The Shillers & Lao Tzu Reed - Tranquileibniz
Let's Talk About Sextus Empiricus
I'm too Sextus Empiricus
Mao-er to the Peguy
Mao-er to the Pieper
Wings - Windelband on the run
Earth, Windelband and Feuerbach
Therborn in the USA
Therborn of a Broken De Man
Therborn to be Wilde
Therborn to Run
Run to the Mills
"Adorno no Adorno no no there's no Leibniz"
Captain BeefHardt and the Magic Windelband
The Sartrelites - Confucius
Tony Cliff Richard - Bachelard Boy
Wilde Thing (Hume make my Hardt Sing-er)
KC & The Sun Tzu Windelband
Metallica - Enter Windelband Man
XTC - Making Plans for Nagel
XTC - Bacon Plans for Nagel
Alexei Sayle - Hello John of Mirecourt Got a New Motor
Russel-ton John Locke - Don't go Bacon my Hardt
Husserl-ton John Stuart Mill
The Sugar Mill Gang
The Frege Mill Gang
Gol-De Man Looking Chain
Mumford & Sun Tzu
Vam-Pyrrho Weekend
The Age of Aquinas (let the Sun Tzu in)
Mr Bungle - Pyrrho-sel
Simon le Beauvoir
South of the Bordieu
StairWeber to Bevan
Dawkins Heads
Guns n' Rousseau - Double Dawkins Jive
Red Hot Chili Popper - By the Weber
Buber Furry Animals - Carry Lacan
Anything Hume Camus, Lacan do Derrida
Lacan you feel it?
Mao Mao Mao - I want Lacan-dy
Lacan Hume feel the Love Tonight?
Platoto's Republica
Maoby - Plato
Mr Bungle - Girls of Therborn
Credence ClearWalter Benjamin Revival
CreDennett ClearWalter Benjamin Revival
Ayerosmith - Living on the Edgar Allan Poe
Ayerosmith - Love in an Ele-Voltaire
Blue De Man Group
Mr Bungle - And None of Them Flew They Were Robespierre
Humetown Rats
Hume Hume Mao
Che Gue-Vera Lynn(ch) - We'll Meet Aga Khan II
System of a Down - Pyrrho, Schiller, Cocaine, Crazy
Shiny Happy Pieper
The Village Pieper
M Pieper
M Peguy
Billie Pieper
Mao-er to the Pieper
Common Pieper
Prodigy - Voodoo Pieper
Depeche Mode - Pieper are Peguy
Purple Pieper Eater
Don't Fear the Pieper
Sly & The Family Stone - Everyday Pieper
RATM - Pieper of the Sun Tzu
The Doors - Pieper are Strange
Peguy are Strange
JamiroQuine - Pieper Underground
Halloween - Pieper of the Seven Keys
Chris Cornell - The Pieper
This Charming De Man
Buber Furry Animals - Zizek, (Thomas) More and Robespierre
Mr Bungle - Love is a Fichte
Florence & The Malthus - Kiss with a Fichte
Smooth Crimi-Malthus
Thomas Malt-Kyuss
Half De Man Half Bishop Berkeley - All I want for Erasmus is a Duk-Lacan a-Weber
Derrida Escape Plan
John Locke Hates Jazz
Florence & The Malthus- Hume got the Love
John Stuart Mill Hates Jazz
The Malthus Bentham-ily
LeninterPol Pot
Dame Vera Stalin
Muse - Dead Stalin
Rob Zombie - De Man Speeding
Mazzy Stalin
Five Stalin
Stalin Vocal Rand
Earth, Windelband and Feuerbach - Shining Stalin
When Hume wish upon a Stalin
Good Morning Stalin
Video Killed the Radio Stalin
Catch a Falling Stalin
Nietzsche (Intelligent) Falling Stalin
Cypress Mill - (Bloch) SuperStalin
Cypress Mill - (Napier) SuperStalin
The Stalin Spangled Banner
The Stalin Spangled Fanon
NickelBacon - I Wanna Be a Rock Stalin
Rolling Mary Woolstonecrafts - Stalin Fucker
Twinkle Twinkle Little Stalin
Blur - Strange News from Another Stalin
Oasis - Bloch & Roll Stalin
Ziggy Stalin
Crosby, Mill and Nash (and Jung)
Jesus Christ, SuperStalin
C.L.R. James - She's a Stalin
Quine Inch Nails - Stalin Fuckers Inc.
The Kinks - Everybody's a Stalin
Yoko O-Noam Chomsky
John Lenin
George Aristotle-son
Paul Mackie-ney
Ringo Stalin
Bukharin-go Stalin
Sonny & Chairman Mao
Sun Tzu & Chairman Mao
Revolution Quine
Street Pieper Social Buber
A-Korn-o - Freak on a Nietzsche
Popper Roach
Living in a Marcuse
Living in an Althusser
Hoxha Rule
John Stuart Milli Vanilli
Babylon Zhu Xi - Space De Man
Nietzsche Boys - Fichte for Your Right to Sartre
Ho Chi Minh-go Stalin
A-Korn-o - Zizek on a Nietzsche
A-Korn-o - Proudhon a Nietzsche
Ayerosmith - Proudhon Looks Like a Lady
Hey Proudh(on)
Kasabian - I'm Proudhon Feuerbach
"I Pink, therefore I Wham"
"I Kinks, therefore I Wham"
"I Fink, therefore I Wham"
Gogol Bordieu
Ayerosmith - Q.U.I.N.E.
Confucius B.I.G.
Suzanne Frege - My Noam Chomsky is Lukacs
Flew Flew Dolls
The Flew - Same Jeans-Jacques Rousseau
The Fall - I am Confucius Oranj
The Enemy - A-Weber from Hereclitus
Enya - Sail a-Weber
Guns n' Rousseau - Sweet Child of Quine
Kasabian - Philosoraptor
Fats Domi-Noam Chomsky
Feuerbach in the USSR
Feuerbach in Bloch
We Didn't Start the Feuerbach
Ain't No Houllebecq Girl
The Bee Jesus
I Wanna Sextus Empiricus Hume Up
Metallica - Enter Saneatsu Mushanokōji
Ronnie James Diogenes of Sinope
‎"My Millkshake brings all the Baudrillard and they're Leibniz better than yours, damn Liebniz better than yours, I could Nietzsche but I'll have to Chaerephon"
Parminedes at Work
"Girl, i wanna take you to a Peter Gay Thales"
Voltaire Supply
Something in the Voltaire Tonight
Sometimes, all I need is Voltaire that I Breathe
Thales Paul
Karma ChameLeon Trotsky
Peter Gay Dad
Ray Charles Taylor
Dewey will Rock Hume
Donna Haddaway
The Talking Alfred North Whiteheads
Schweitzer Zombie
Schweitzer Wedding
The Epicurus Shake
Cypress Mill - I Want to get Hayek
Afro De Man - Because I got Hayek
Galileo Sayer
Lao Tzu is Mao?
Money's too Tight to Mencius
Plutarch-ade Feuerbach
Mencius at Work
Motor-Alfred North Whitehead
The Derrida Escape Blanchot
Sweet Boehme-labama
Swing Out Cicero
Ronnie James Dionysus
Garbage - When I Grosseteste Up
The Lucretius of Love
The Brand Newton Heavies
Billy Joel - Newton Girl
Huey Lewis & The Newton
Ricardo Astley
Ricardo Zoroastra
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Fichte Democritus Bakunin
Zoroastra of Puppets
...and Hume will know us by the trail of Derrida
Shiny Epicurus Pieper
The Epi-Cure-us - Sleep When I'm Derrida
The Epi-Cure-us - Boys don't Hereclitus
Cyrano de Berger-rock
Fantomas - Night Goethe
Modest Mao
The Ani-Malthus
Hume-y and the Blow-Fichte
Reel Big Fichte
Eagles of Death Malthus
Quine-osaur Jr
Peguy Sue
Peguy Zhu Xi
I'm Dreaming of a Schweitzer Erasmus
Primal Scream - Hayek than the Sun Tzu
Lenin Kravitz
Peguy Lao Tzu
Epicurus Mondays
Dolly Proudhon
Just Lao Tzu of Malthus
Lionel Fichte - Plato, is it me you're Lukacs Foucault?
Stevie Won-Derrida
Russell-vis Presley - The Won-Derrida of Hume
Lao Tzu Drunk to Foucault
Dead Kenne-Derrida - Nazi Punks Foucault
Dead Kenne-Descartes
One Quine Descartes
The Hume - Deng Xiaoping-ball Wizard
Highway to Hegel
Hayek to Hegel
Shed Seven Sages of the Bamboo Groove Armada
Shed Seven Sages of the Bam-Boomtown Rats Groove Armada
Shed Seven Sages of the Bam-Boom Boom Pow Groove Armada
Lucretius in the Sky (with Jared Diamond)
Liu Ling in the Sky (with Jared Diamond)
Dirty Deeds Zhi Dun Cheap
Beatles - I am Confucius
Cicero of a Down - Hobbes Zhu Xi
Cicero of a Deng Xiaoping
Russell-CD Sound Cicero
Shakespeare's Cicero
Cicero of Mercy
Guns n' Rousseau - Right Next Door to Hegel
Guns n' Rousseau - Welcome to the Gu Zhun-gle
Mr Gu Zhun-gle
Hume2 guitarist: The Edgar Allan Poe
Blur - Bug De Man
Madness - John Gray Day
De Man-ness - Grayling Day
Quine - Schoppenhauer must go on
Michael Jaspers - Badiou
Michael Jaspers - Lao Tzu Badiou
Icicle Works - Love Comes in Different Kollontai
Alice Kuhn-per - Rawl's out for Summer
Michael Jaspers - Badiou is it?
Michael Jaspers - Hume is it?
The Ruts - Babylon's Bernstein
Rob Zombie - Jaspers Wittgenstein
The Charlatans - Just when you're Fichte things over
Adam & The Ants - Burke Wears White Sox
Suede - The Anselm World
Pink Feuerbach - Another Crick in the Rawls
The Soft Boys - Quine of Eyes
Mercury Rev - You're my Quine
Faith no (G.E.) Moore - Epic(urus)
Bloch Grape
Collapsed Lung - Eat my Zola
Manic Street Pre-Chairman Mao - I'm not Dworkin
Dworkin in a Coal Quine
Teardrop Explodes - Treason (it's just a Rorty)
Manic Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Therborn a Girl
Manic Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Therborn to End
China Crisis - Bloch De Man Ray
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Of Dworkin Abortion
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Love's Sweet Existentialism
Adverts - Debord Teenagers
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - So Derrida
Colourfield - Fichte of Hume
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Epicurus
Mencius Street Pre-Chairman Mao - Ready for Darwin
Darwin the Jungle
Darwin the Ghetto
The Marx Voltaire
Bruce Springsteen Hume-an Touch
Faith no (Thomas) More - Falling to Peguy
REM - What's the Frege-ncy, Kenneth?
Red Hot Chili Popper - Give it A-Weber
Buber Massive Bloch Hole
Buber Furry Animals - Northern Leibniz
10cc:DreadLocke Halliday - I don't Like Critchley, I Liebknicht
Buber Furry Animals - The Very Best of Jared Diamond
Buber Furry Animals - Weber do Hume want to Goethe?
Justin Buber
Where do Hume Goethe my lovely?
If Hume Goethe go, go Mao
Justin Pieper
What does Hume want to make those eyes at me for? (when they don't mean that he's Frege)
The Goethe! Team
If Hume Liebknicht now, Hume take a-Weber the biggest Sartre me
Jaspers 5 - If'n I was Goethe
Jaspers 5 - If'n I was Gottlob Frege
Aquinas the Stone Age - Sartre up your Fichte
Quines of the Stone Age - Erasmus Voltaire-is
The (E)Rasmus
Zhu Xi Quatro - Kafka-n the Can
The Jam - Sartre! It's not important to know my name/though I do know yours
Bryan Adam Smith - Kant stop this thing we've Sartre-d
Count of St Germain Crows
Kate Bush - Babbageke
Husserl-ton John (Stuart Mill) - Kafka-n Hume Feel the Love Tonight?
Russell-ton John (Locke) - Lacan Hume Feel the Love Tonight?
Ultravox - Love's Great Bonaventure
Zhu Xi Quatro - Lacan the Kant
The Commodores - Frege Times a Lady
Secret Chiefs Frege
Buber Hume Kant Drive my Carlyle
Hume Sweet Hume
The Bluebells - Jung at Hardt
Trad arr Bob Dylan - Jung but daily Growin'
LeAnn Rimes - Cheng Hao Do I Live Without You
The soundtrack to Jung Wittgenstein
Cohen loco down in Acapulco
Muse - Citi-Zeno Erasmus
Therborn under a Badiou sign
I like Driving in my Carlyle
Smokie - Living Next Door to Alasdair MacIntyre
Credennett ClearWalter Benjamin Revival - Badiou Moon Rising
RATM - MacIntyre Me
Tina Turner/Creedence et al - Proudhon Mary (Woolstonecraft)
The Frege Wheelin' Bob Dy-Lacan
Mud - Tiger Laffitte
Muse - Sing for Abso-Lukacs
"Took my Chevy to the Lévi-Strauss but the Lévi-Strauss was dry"
T-Rex - Therborn to Boogie
Mach the Knife
Muse - Butterflies and Aristotle's cane
Blue Piaget Way
Buber Furry AniMalthus - Liebknicht-y Belle
The Clash - I'm so Rorty with the USA
Demis Rousseau
Jared Diamond - Sweet Caro-Leibniz
Travelling Mill-Burys - De Man-dle with Chairman Mao
Travelling Mill-Burys - Tweeter and the Monkey De Man
C.L.R. James - I Know What I'm Hereclitus For
Ayerosmith - Falling in Love (is hard on the Nietzsche)
I've got Hume under my Skinner
Morcheeba - Sartre the Process
Prodigy - No Goethe (Sartre the Dance)
Ayerosmith - Toys in the Attlee
Alysha's Attlee
Bevan must be missing an Engels
I Found Bevan- sample lyric: 'I thought I found Locke, with somebody else's girl...'
John Lenin - I'm Althusser-ing Hume
Bee Jesus - For Hume the Bell Tolstoy
Bee Jesus - Hume Win Again
Bee Jesus - Staying a-Leibniz
Saturday Night Weber
Bee Jesus - Liebknicht Weber
Bee Jesus - Mao Deep is Your Love
Bee Jesus - Jive Dworkin
Love is here and Mao you're gone
Quine Jung Fanonbals/Husserl-vis Presley - Confucius Minds
Steely Dan Dennett - Bloch Calvin
Steely Dan Dennett - Bloch Mao
Steely Dan Dennett - Reelin' in the Greers
Tears for Greers
Reelin' in the Hereclitus
Greers for Hereclitus
FastBalzac - The Weber
Nirvana - Something in the Weber
Toto-mas More
Tominaga Nakamototo
The Hume - Tominaga Nakamoto
Francisco de Totoledo
John Totoland
Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Totocqueville
Buber Furry Ani-Malthus - O-Hayek Heat
Buber Furry Ani-Malthus - (Dworkin) Rings around Husserl
Buber Furry Ani-Malthus - (S)Hume Doris Derrida
Russell & The Gang
Ca Plane Pour Moi - Plastic Bertrand Russell
Therborn-ing Down the Mao-s
Stand by your De Man
Specials - Locke it to 'em JB
Bloch it to 'em JB
Gimme Gimme Gimme (De Man after Midnight)
ABBA - Fanondo
The Epi-Cure-us - Plato for Today
Hardtbreak Hotel
The Beat - Kant get used to Losing Hume
Meat Loaf - Sun Tzu out of Zhu Xi ain't Badiou
Jailhouse Locke
Jail-Mao's Bloch
The Clash - Rebel Walzer
Jail-Mao's Socrates
Donna Summer - Hobbes Stuff
Donna Summer - Trot Stuff
Russell-vis Presley - Return to Sen-Derrida
Viva Las Wittgenstein
Habermas-es Against the Classes
Habermas-ter of Puppets
Halliday in the Sun Tzu
Buber Habermas-ive Bloch Hole
Summer Halliday
M'Adorno - Halliday
Kate Bush - Running Up That Hilferding
M'Adorno - Like a Serge-in
Habermas-ive Attack
M'Adorno - Like Weber
Depeche Mode - Paine that I'm used Lao Tzu
Maga-Zinn - Oakeshott By Both Sides
Dworkin Heads - Planck Hume for Sending me an Engels
Offspring - Original Planckster
The Mao's That Jean-Jacques Rousseau Built
Planck Turner
Planck Za-Popper
The Shamen Move Any Montesquieu
The Sha-Mencius - Ebe-Nietzsche Goode
Radiohead - The Benthams
Hartley Rhythm Ace
Radiohead - Paranoid Anselm
Paranoid Andronicus of Rhodes
Muse - Space De Man-tia
Negris with Attitude - Fukuyama tha Police
Buber Furry Ani-Malthus - De Man don't give a Fukuyama
My Bloody Valentine - No More Thoreau
Hume-an League - Sound of the Kropotkin
Russell-vis Costello - Everyday I Write The Bookchin
Cicero of a Down - Hume!
Cicero of a Down - Tok-Cicero
Stanglers - No (Thomas) More Hereclitus
Tom Robinson - Up Against the Wallerstein
Pink Floyd - Another Crick in the Wallerstein
Quine - We are the Zhang-Zai-ons
Stone Rousseau - Rawls Gold
Simon & Garve-Funkel
Tenacious D - Frankfurt School Of Bloch
Bloch Sabbath - Children of the Garve
Confucius D
Mary Woolstonecraft Rousseau - Zhu Xi Bangs the Drums
Dr Wham-uel Johnson
The Clash - London (Stuart) Hall-ing
The Clash - Rousseau Kant Fail
Porno for Pythagoras
Adorno for Pythagoras
Parminedes like Sun Tzu Dworkin
Badiou Drawn Boy
The Al-chemides-ist
Trot Chocolate
Kasabian - Fast Marcuse
Rolling Mary Woolstonecraft - (I can't get Noam Chomsky) Sartre's faction
Hume Kant always get what Hume want (but if Hume try sometimes, Hume just might find, Hume get Parminedes)
Ayerosmith - Bloch in a Hardt Place
Ayerosmith - Bakunin the Saddle
Ayerosmith - Same old Song and Dan Dennett
Ayerosmith - Big Zen Inch Rene Descartes
Ayerosmith - Monkey on my Bakunin
Ayerosmith - (C)Hippias the Mary Woolstonecraft
Ayerosmith - Done With Mir Damad
Ayn Rand of Horses - The End's Not Greer
Mir Damad-ness
Windelband of Horses - The End's Not Mir Damad
Mir Damad in the BathHume
Michael Jaspers - De Man in the Mir Damad
The Mir Damadamned
Stalinship - Weber this City on Locke and Rawls
I Love Locke and Rawls (so put another Dime in the Hume Block Buber)
The Epi-Cure-us - The Love Kafka-ts
Michael Jaspers - Dan Dennett Gerous
Michael Jaspers - Lenin the Closet
Michael Jaspers - Hume is it?
Michael Jaspers - Wanna Bukharin Somethin'
Ho Chi Minh the Jungle
Ho Chi Minh the Ghetto
Ho Chi Minh the Plato
Ho Chi Minh the Ghu Zhun-gle
Lenin the Ghu Zhun-gle
Chaka Democritus & Plato - Socrates me Buber
Alice Kuhn-per - Feed my Wittgenstein
Georg Lukacs and Ira Gersch-Windelband
I'm Comte-ing up so you'd better get this party Sartre
Therborn-mower Deth
Guns n' Rousseau - The Perfect Maimonedes
INXS - Maimonedes Hume Tonight
INXS - Nietzsche Tonight
ZiZek Top - Maimonedes Hume Tonight
Zhu Xi Top - I Nietzsche Tonight
We Didn't Sartre the Feuerbach
Proudhon-gy - Feuerbach Sartre
Simply Red - Something got me Sartre
A-Korn-o - Sartre Over
Trot Chocolate - It Sartre'd with a Kim
Quine Inch Nails - "Hume bring me closer to Gottlob Frege"
Hume Lao Tzu - Sun Tzu Bloch-dy Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu-Zanne Frege
A-Mencius Sevenfold
A-Mencius Bevanfold
A-Mencius Bevanfold - Nietzsche and the Hartley (Nietzsche Schelling place for De Man's)
Faith no (Thomas) More - King Faraday, Fool for a Leibniz
John Locke, We Hartley Flew ye
A-Mencius Bevanfold - NightMary Woolstonecraft
Quine - We Will Locke Hume
Quine - We Will Bloch Hume
A-Mencius Bevanfold - Buried A-Leibniz
John Locke, We Hartley Newton ye
A-Mencius Bevanfold - Little Rees of Lacan
Million Derrida
Miliband Derrida
Faith No (Thomas) More - The Jean-Jacques Rousseau Sartre Making Ene-Mencius
Platoto - Kafka
Chemi-Calvin Brothers - It Began in Kafka
S-Leibniz & The Fa-Mill-y Mary Woolstonecraft - Kafka Talks to Hume
(Everything Badiou) Badiou it for Hume
Depeche Mode - Personal Jaspers
The Jaspers and Mary Woolstonecraft Chain
Jaspers Priest
Ricardo Cheese
The Jaspers and Mary Woolstonecraft Chairman Mao
Me-Derrida - Enter Windelband De Man (Exit Leibniz, enter Liebknicht. Take my Rand. Off to Weber-Windelband)
M'Adorno - Take a Bauer
Jarvis Cocker - Heavy Weber
Crowded Mao-s - Weber with Hume
Stereo-Fanon - Just Locke-in
Pulp - I Spinoza
Suede - So Jung
The Smiths - The Boy with Therborn in his Side
The Smiths - Stop Frege if Hume think you've heard Therborn before
David Bowie - Time will Rawls
Bloch Lace - Ag-Badiou