Pink Fire Pointer Alert!


Well, the first part you already know; London is being turned into a giant barracks:

Security officials are exploiting the Olympics as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to multiply and militarise their weapons stocks, laminating another layer on to the surveillance state. The Games justify a security architecture to prevent terrorism, but that architecture can double to suppress or intimidate acts of political dissent. The Olympic Charter actually prohibits political activism, stating, "no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas". What "other areas" means is open to broad interpretation. So despite Olympics human-rights rhetoric, the charter dictates – if indirectly – that local authorities squelch political activism. On cue, London police recently vowed to scour social media to sniff out any organised protests or disruptions.

The Olympics will militarise London, with surface-to-air missiles at the ready, a Royal Navy battleship moored offshore, and soldiers on patrol. After initially estimating 10,000 security guards would suffice, the London organising committee determined more than double that number would be required. The ministry of defence is filling the gap with about 13,500 military personnel, 4,000 more than are currently based in Afghanistan. Not placated, the US declared it will send its own security to London, including 500 FBI agents.

Enjoy the Olympics, OR ELSE! Do you reckon these provisions will be removed after the games are over? It'll be interesting because the word on the grapevine is the EDL are planning another close encounter of the third reich in East London this August, Walthamstow, apparently, which is an Olympic borough. What're the odds the state will make an exception, again, for the fascists?

If you want to head off that threat you can start by letting everyone know about it. London was, is and always should be a nazi free zone. The next thing you can do is make Luton a nazi free zone, May 5th, national counter-demonstration against the EDL. The last time the master race went there their friends in the police turned the centre of Luton into a ghost town. Lets try to keep it open this time, open to all, except the fascists.