Musings on the politics of the TV series True Blood: oh dear! Of the three series I have seen the vampire/LGBT analogy is clear, this is one strand of vampirism in culture, sexuality, albeit a fairly original take. The other aspect of vampirism is aristocracy. This becomes clearer as the show progresses (and becomes more complicated). In this world vampires don't simply equal gay people, to imply such is to tinker with the reactionary. In America at least the vampire community is arranged into kingdoms, based, curiously, on the different states, republics. Can there be such a thing as a democratic vampire, could there a vampire revolution? Some of the vampires featured date back to the dark ages, and even ancient times. Their justice is appropriately arbitrary and savage, though this is barely touched on (and only to be lamented, by Godric or Bill Compton), compared to the amoral glamour of the vampires themselves.
Can there be a democratic vampire (I bet you were asking that question!)? Can there even be a democratic monster or supernatural being? We are dealing, of course, with a modern bourgeois culture appropriating myths from the Middle Ages (to some extent the vampires represent white southern aristocracy post-reconstruction: the opposite of an oppressed group). We're unlikely to find radical creatures. The most democratic being is probably the zombie, but zombies do not have personality, only a simple, destructive will. They are fear of the mob, in particular the colonial mob; little more.