Who's responsible, where does the buck stop? Why it's supposed to stop with Gideon Osborne. I'm not normally one to place much emphasis on expertise, but look at this:
Osborne's first job was entering the names of people who had died in London into a National Health Service computer. He also briefly worked for Selfridges, re-folding towels. He originally intended to pursue a career in journalism, but instead got a job at Conservative Central Office.
That's his entire career... and he's in charge. Oh dear. The economy sinks but Mr Osborne floats.
By its own standards austerity is failing. Something has to change. We have to change it.
In related news there are a set of elections coming up, including the election for Mayor of London. I'm not going to vote for Ken Livingstone 1) because I'm not registered and 2) because he's a tax dodger and a scab, and that can't just be forgiven and forgotten. As a candidate he is a liability, however, if he returns to office on May 4th and carries out his programme, including fare reductions, rent caps, restoring the EMA and providing cheaper gas and electricity through bulk-buying, he will have done more for working-class Londoners than the whole of parliament put together.
That's the kind of change we need to effect. We needed to start yesterday, last month, last year. Let's not wait for Livingstone.