This is also probably a Breivik bounce. The normally not-great Jonathan Freedland of the Guardian has got it spot on here, about the unfolding catastrophe of the Breivik trial:
My Guardian colleague Vikram Dodd, who covered that London trial, was struck when he heard a Radio 5 Live phone-in this week that was regularly interrupted by snippets from Breivik's statement. "The grammar of the coverage was as if this was the chancellor giving his budget," says Dodd.More than one caller to that programme, while quick to insist they disagreed with Breivik's methods, did rather think the Norwegian had a point about multiculturalism run riot. "I can understand where this guy's coming from," said Tom from Dover. Several readers of a Guardian article sought to post comments in the same vein, calling for "a complete stop of immigration from Muslim countries" and suchlike. To listen to it, you'd think Breivik had simply wanted to start a debate, that he'd perhaps written a provocative pamphlet for Demos, rather than committed an act of murderous cruelty.
This is the backbone of (potential) British fascism beginning to flex (a fascist party in Britain will come, if we are not vigilant and active, in part from a party like the UK Independence Party lurching rightward). I warn you, there will be mass-murdering fascists in Britain soon.