This is how it goes:
Gilad Atzmon is a racist. Racism is bad. Left wingers should be against racism but an otherwise respectable left wing publishing house is putting out a book by Gilad Atzmon. This should not happen. The otherwise respectable authors on their roster should not be associated with this, but it should not happen. The otherwise respectable authors on the publishing house's roster should not be associated with Gilad Atzmon and anyone who does associate them with Gilad Atzmon is getting the wrong impression. It is wrong to associate the other authors with Gilad Atzmon. What you shouldn't be doing is associating them with him. I'm not suggesting you associate them. If you associate them with Gilad Atzmon you are wrong. Don't ASSOCIATE THEM WITH GILAD ATZMON. They are not associated with Gilad Atzmon.