Back in the day world financial institutions would use debt as a lever. A country, second or third world country, would get into economic difficulty. The instruments of global finance would then basically send the economy into deliberate shock, and use the precipitous economic and social decline to raid said country.
This method is fine, if you happen to be a financier and not a citizen. The only trouble is there is a global economic crisis. The Markets, aka the ruling class, are trying to perform this trick over the entire planet. If every country is suppressing wages, driving up unemployment, privatising public assets and aiming to become an export economy (as if you can turn a whole economic set-up around just like that) the only problem is... who are they going to export to?
The ruling class is clinging to a global policy that reduces effective demand during recession and, lo and behold, we are on the brink of recession, again. There have been bigger debt 'crises' than this one. After World War Two there was a greater public debt across Europe as well as Britain. This crisis, the actual crisis, is being deliberately precipitated.
We don't just need Greek-style resistance, soon that won't be enough. It's getting to that stage now in Greece, popular resistance will need to go beyond strikes, into occupations, beyond demonstrations into armed mutinies. It's popular democracy or a new dictatorship.
Interesting times ahead, perhaps...? Oh dear...