Pink Fire Pointer Irony reels under further blows...

Irony reels under further blows...

The UK riots...

were product of consumerism...


and will hit economy...

Whoah, profound stuff. Who worked this out?

says City broker...

ROLLINGONTHEFLOORLAUGHINGOUTLOUD... metaphorically speaking anyway, perhaps rollingonthefloorlaughingyetsomehowmanagestocontinuetyping would be more appropriate. But, it gets better/worse:

Analyst's report points to 'deeply flawed social ethos' and calls for a shift of emphasis 'from material to non-material values'.

In a time of economic crisis and growing inequality we should concentrate on immaterial posessions, enlightened activities. Why not find a quiet spot and meditate, read a book, drink plenty of water, eat plenty of fruit (hang on a minute, aren't these material things?)...? Whatever you do don't think about economic crisis and growing inequality, nor how these things came to be and for goodness sake DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!