Pink Fire Pointer Marxism 2012

Marxism 2012

It's that time of year again, yay, which means it's also time for Marxism games. In the past we've played Puntanamo Bay, Meeting Title Tombola and Hi, I'm... Of course there's the less successful games, like Socialist Party Rodeo and Let's Pee on the AWL. Given that the Marxism Meeting Mash-up application has just gone on line I guess we should go back to Meeting Title Tombola, however awards will also be given out for Mixed Metaphor of the Week and Crowbarring Simpsons References into meetings.

Let's begin with a few suggestions:

Why do people love sand?
Why does Murdoch love primacy?
Festivals of primacy: how do we deal with the Higgs Boson?
200 years on: are we too late?
Does horizontalism control Hollywood?
Does Engels control John Steinbeck?
Is Iraq becoming dark?
Engels and the origin of withdrawal.
The collapse of Russian knees.
A decade of false knees.
Knees, arms and phone hacking.
Arms and food.
Where next for 1979?
Darwin in 1972.
Reproduction seen from the outside.
A no nonsense guide to genesis.
The case for pedagogy and scapegoating.
Anarchism - the case for murder.
Antonio Gramsci and the dark arts of Scotland.
Primitive communism: results and prospects.
The secret war against results and prospects.
The music of John Coltrane: should marxists care?