Pink Fire Pointer Cameron to country: "chop-chop Jeeves"

Cameron to country: "chop-chop Jeeves"

David Cameron reckons Britain must “do more” to recover from the recession it’s in. He blames the Eurozone crisis and the “damage done in the boom and bust years”, although which years he’s talking about are a minor mystery.
“We were the ones with the most over-indebted banks, the most over-indebted households and we had the biggest budget deficit of virtually any country, anywhere in the world.
"It takes time to recover from that but we've got to do more. We're going to roll up our sleeves and do everything possible to get business going in Britain, to get housing going, to get jobs going."
Well, jobs have been ‘going’, cheap housing has been ‘going’, and it’s been his government that has sent them on their way. Also, “roll up our sleeves”? Oh yes, let’s all get busy, says a man whose only real job was working as a TV executive. If it is a matter of doing more then there’s bad news ahead. The only workers who “do more” in the EU in terms of hours are the Austrians and the Greeks (those lazy, lazy Greeks working longer hours than everyone else).
It’s a shame these things need to be stated and restated over and over again but needs must: the recession was not caused by 2.5 million working people suddenly deciding to take it easy, they were thrown out of work.
In David Cameron’s world everything is everybody else’s fault, the EU, the Greeks, the Labour Government, but above all you. So get cracking, little prole, and make Cameron and chums very, very, very… rich.