Or: laughing at nazis when they fuck up. Voula Papachristou, racist Greek triple-jumper is “very bitter and upset” about her exclusion from the Olympics for her Nile Fever ‘joke’ on Twitter, subsequently deleted. Check this quote out, a perfect example of modern racism expressed. It’s less white-supremacism more arch victimhood:
"I have not slept at all and to be honest I am still trying to come to terms with what has happened. I am trying to stay calm otherwise I would lose control. I am thankful to my coach and family and so many other people who have stuck by me.
"After so many years of hurt and sacrifices to try and get to my first Olympics I am very bitter and upset. But what has upset me the most is the excessive reaction and speed of the disciplinary decision”.
Boo-fucking-hoo! She says she has never got involved in politics but has been involved enough to retweet posts from the woman-beating nazi, Illias Kasidiaris. At one stage she even wished him (via Twitter) all the best on his saints' day. This was also later deleted: it’s almost like she knew there was something wrong, you know? Question: who on Earth could Kasidiaris patron saint be? Some awful cross between Joseph Goebbels and Jackie Gleason. One of these days, Alice…!
Papachristou’s bitterness extends to the Greek government’s sport programme (or lack of it):
“We have zero support from the state," she said. "There are a lot of things that people do not know about, such as the unacceptable conditions in which we have to train.
"For example, there is no heating and no hot water even to take a shower in winter, no air conditioning in the summer and squalid training facilities and equipment in a state of disrepair.
"These are just the tip of the iceberg without mentioning the financial side and how we have been affected by massive cuts in state-funding for sport."
Now, for all this to make some logical sense you’d have to assume Papachristou thinks Africans run the country. But this is racism we’re dealing with, and racism and logic were always ships in the night.