Olympics update
We have to remember these things because, sooner or later, they'll change the name of Tower Hamlets to Strategic Hamlets.
Britain is being flooded not just with water but 'brand police'. See here the lengths the organising committee and the British state is going to protect their sponsors. "Summer" is a branded word. That's right, not a season, a brand. Gold is an element, but it too is being protected by the brand police. Welcome to McBritain.
Olympic cleaners sleep ten to a room, live seventy five to a toilet. At least it's not London Bridge.
And finally: musicians play for free at the Olympics. How nice of them to do that at an event costing £24 billion! Wouldn't it be a shame for David Cameron and Danny Boyle if the opening ceremony turned out like this? I mean, I'd laugh my socks off, but that's just me...