You'll be pleased to learn that this venture "will be at the heart of a new left" (until now, of course, my main concern was where the heart of the new left would be)and that it's menu will "be a showcase for all that is best on the left". Whether there is more on the menu than just nine hams, remains to be seen.
But they need your help. They want suggestions for a name for the venue. A few of us have come up with some ideas:
The Reestro
Moccachinos of a Special Type
John's Scones
Amuse Douche
Stratatea and TicTacs
The Totali-Tea
Hungry Hungry Hypocrites
Caffè Nero
Caesar's Palace
A Delicious Strawberry Defection
Hedge Money
The Cream-lin
A German Pie Geology
The Coalition of Restaurants
The Left Plate-form
John's Grease
What is to be Bun?
Lunching Marxism
Gerry Healy's Bastard Post Gaddafi Gold Coffee Feel Good Make Glorious Love in of a Special Type
Intriguingly, the post is signed "Counterfire and friends". Presumably these new friends have pretty deep pockets - rents in that part of the world ain't cheap.