On the very same day bus drivers in London struck a mighty blow against their bosses, standing up to the high-and-mighty judiciary and the bloated austerity-pimps in government, the very same day men and women from every racial and religious background took to picket line to fight for their rights, Ed Milliband (son of a refugee) crept onto the news to justify the racist vilification of immigrants. Sure, people have 'legitimate concerns', well, actually, they're concerns that have been promoted and legitimised by over a decade of concentrated campaigning by the national press, often involving stories like the Swan Bake legend, which gets recycled every few years. But if you want the answer to how we get everyone in this society to live together, thrive and survive (community cohesion, the New Labour elision used to avoid talking about racism), this strike is the perfect example.
It's a wonder Unite, the bus drivers union, still pays the Labour Party so much money, when it undermines its members interests like this, lets them down, so badly... But that's another story. Meanwhile, well done the bus drivers. Don't let the courts get in your way. Don't stop until you win.