To distract attention from his tax-dodging friends, David Cameron outlined what he would do if he had the majority he thinks he's entitled to. The headline story is Cameron wants to take away the right to housing benefit from the under 25s. There's over a million young unemployed, folks. That's right, if you're a middle-aged couple forget saving for retirement, you will have to support your unemployed graduate son or daughter while they do "work experience" in Poundland. Young people, if your parents are abusive or disabled or addicted or, who knows, maybe even dead... if you don't have a job, well, you're just going to have to live with it.
And, what makes it worse, is this will win votes, some votes, not all of them, but some for David Cameron. A large swathe of Britain hates the young, from university students, to school pupils, they even infants; this is the government that has cut funding to Bookstart - a scheme that gives books to children for free to get them reading, an effective scheme that is desperately needed. Even people who weren't born at the start of the recession are being made to suffer for the good of the capitalist class.
This is the future, if we don't act, if we don't fight: David Cameron pissing in a teenager's face - forever.