Know your enemy, Anders Behring Breivik; look at him. He is out to kill you. He and his associates are out to destroy everyone and everything you hold dear.
Even from these collated pictures you can see he is a walking study in the fascist mindset. Megalomania, self-importance mixed with a dominator complex. The flip side of megalomania is paranoia, hence, for example, his fixation on the alleged 'marxist/multiculturalist' conspiracy. He also has severe logorrhoea.
His manifesto, which is now getting worldwide attention, is supposedly 1,500 pages long; phew! Excerpts appearing in the news, including praise for various people and groups, Mel Philips, Jeremy Clarkson, the English Defence League, have highlighted a crucial point for anti-fascist politics.
The mainstream right, populist right and fascist right are cross-fertilising. Rightists of all kinds are using racism in general, islamophobia in particular, as their wedge issue, their cutting edge. Fascist or not, they are reinforcing each other at every turn, co-ordinating across Europe and America to bring violence and fear to our streets. We need a Europe-wide anti-fascist alliance.