Pink Fire Pointer Be afraid...

Be afraid...

That's the message from Greek nazi leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos:

"Greece is only the beginning," Michaloliakos shouted. "You know exactly what I mean."
The party's principal idea is to rid Greece of all "illegal immigrants".
"Out of my country, out of my home! How will we do it? Use your imagination..."

Indeed. But why be afraid, bloodcurdling rhetoric and threats (like - Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat, kommt Attentat) aside, of a party that only gathers 7% of the national vote? Well, not long ago they could only count on nought point nothing of the Greek electorate. Of course fascists aren't interested in elections, only to use them to build support for building a street army, use your imagination.

The recent elections have been a disaster for the Greek and European ruling classes. There is a clear anti-austerity majority in Greece but, partly due to the vagiaries of the Greek electoral system (the party with the most votes gets 50 bonus seats - like some kind of gameshow), and partly due to the compromised Greek Labour party, which would certainly have to be part of any left-government, an anti-austerity government seems a long way off.

What's the solution, another round of elections? That hardly seems likely. One can never say there is no reformist solution in any situation, but it would require a massive U-turn from the European ruling class. If the Greeks successfully turn back the austerity programme (even after all the damage it has done to their society) their example could prove dangerously popular. This is only how it seems to me but the Greek left has all the support but none of the power. Without turning to extra-parliamentary action, its hard to see how they can wield power, either way, the right will give them all the blame. This is where the Golden Dawn could prove dangerous, just use your imagination.

Greece is now an anti-fascist issue.