Kingdom, surely...? Anyway, it seems the heat is on UKIP, and it's about time. Why? Here's why.
Physical exercise stops you from being gay. Unborn disabled children should be aborted. Nigel Farage admits UKIP candidates could be former BNP members, never mind, at least he's honest, also lap dancing clubs are alright. It seems the limit for UKIP is anti-semitism, which I suppose we should all be grateful for. At least holocaust denial will get you kicked off the ballot paper.
This is the United Kingdom Independence Party. This is, of course, the ugly, provincial underbelly of British life, pub bores, frustrated small businessmen, Graham from the Golf Course, characters we all know and loathe. UKIP is not fascist. Fascism is a right-wing movement that uses extra-parliamentary, often extra legal means. There is a fairly fluid interaction between the ideas of the far right and the mainstream right. The difference is that extra step the far right take, onto the streets, trying to assert such ideas.
No fascist movement ever starts out as an ideologically coherent force but converges, either on a cause or more often on a charismatic figure. The UKIP swamp is broad and dank. In it lurks the wounded monster of British fascism.
This swamp must be drained. What does that practically mean? A UAF-style campaign, perhaps, to suppress the UKIP vote and expose its activists wherever the need arises. Certainly something needs to be done otherwise, even if most people disagree, if this kind of politics is accepted as legitimate then it will give the genuine fascist right room to make a comeback.