Pink Fire Pointer The dark side...

The dark side...

Alex Callinicos complaining on Facebook that he had his invitation to participate in the Historical Materialism conference in Delhi withdrawn at short notice by email, rounded off by saying: 

"This is to say nothing of the personal inconvenience and expense you are exposing me to by withdrawing your invitation a week after you had circulated a programme that included me as chairing one session and speaking at another, and barely a week before I was due to fly to India. This is quite unacceptable in what is meant to be an academic conference, and it is also not how socialists should behave towards one another." 

However one of the Facebook Four quite rightly pointed out: 


For someone who is a professor - Alex Callinicos is really quite dumb, and it shows where his priorities lie. What really gets his goat is the prospect looming of no more academic conferences.