And counted. A grand total of 51 people voted. We would have liked to have got more votes than TUSC, but taking on such a mighty electoral machine in such a short space of time... we think we did well. So, anyway, puzzle no longer, the definitively tip-top best meme of the SWP crisis is, well, you can see it: That's quite a successful revolutionary organisation you've got there... Aaaaaaaand it's gone. It was quite a close run thing. The results are as follows:
Aaaaand it's gone - 31%
Creeping feminism - 25%
Don't X Y - it's petty bourgeois - 20%
We must observe socialist discipline - 12%
China Mieville is SCANDALOUS - 8%
Do you support this - 4%
Both the Whiff of autonomism and I've been on the internet... got no votes.