It's hard not to get sucked into the Olympic fervour. It's relentless and all pervasive. Londoners have been advised to get ahead of the games. It's difficult to see how, they're everywhere. The actual sport is great, well, mostly great; gymnastics, swimming, canoeing, road-racing etc, though I'm not sure of the spectator value of sailing or pistol shooting. The silly, silly nationalism is unbearable. It feels like the death of any radical alternative in Britain for goodness knows how long. Large swathes of people are being made to feel happy despite having no objective basis for feeling so.
I can just see the Tories using Team GB as an all purpose metaphor. Boris Johnson upfront going on about years of hard work and sacrifice etc. If Team GB can do it then public sector workers can work for half-wages/unemployed people beg for scraps/disabled people can die in a ditch. It's all about pulling together to make Boris and co very, very, very... rich.
We will have to see how things look in two weeks when we have literally nothing to talk about anymore.