Pink Fire Pointer Some news

Some news

Here’s dome news to chew on. Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, may be useful in treating severely depressed patients, but it is a Class A drug (I did not know that) and red-tape and costs make it prohibitive to develop.

This is of course a living critique of moralistic laws, legislating what adults of sound mind can put into their body and the unintended knock on effects such laws have. It also shows up the absurd contortions law based on private property can get into. Psilocybin is made in nature, proscribing it does not stop it from being made. You may as well outlaw the tide.

There is no free market in nature. While directly capitalist relations appear to be egalitarian and free (of course in reality they’re not), capitalism applied to nature is naked appropriation. Rent was created out of the violent appropriation of land. When pharmaceutical companies appropriate naturally produced chemicals it is no less of a violent act.