Pink Fire Pointer Seven years and still no book deal...

Seven years and still no book deal...

What's it going to take, HUH?

No, but life goes on and so does this blog. Say what you like (you can't btw - it's a figure of speech) but Through the Scary Door has outlasted:

Shoot Johann Hari
Dead Men Left
Heckles Cakes
64 Slices of American Cheese
The Prophet Rage
History Needs a Push
City Centre Socialist Workers
Tottenham SWP
Theft is Good (but it depends who you're stealing from)
The Sharp Side...
Par En Bas...
Fear of a Red Planet... 

And many other sites runs people who could string a sentence or two together. We definitely hope Red Bed Head, Monuments Are for Pigeons and Proletarian Tide keep the flow coming. What does the future hold? I think we can safely say the bigger picture's going to get worse before it ever gets better. Lots of Tory outrage posts I guess.