Pink Fire Pointer For no raisin

For no raisin

As we know TV is an accurate measure of the downward spiral of civilisation, and we are still braced for Monkey Tennis small screen debut (note: It didn't strike me when I first thought about it but Gordon Ramsay has actually brought Cooking In Prison to TV). In that spirit, brace yourself for:

Drunk Horseracing 
It's an Atos Knockout (1st prize - 8 weeks unpaid labour in Poundland) 
Don't Tell The Relatives (stupid men handpicked by BBC3 are given a funeral parlour to run)
Don't Tell The Owners (ditto, but for a dog walking service) 
Don't Tell The Regulatory Authorities (the same, but for banks) 
Whatever Happened to Dad's Army? 
Tightly Scripted American Comedy Import About Twenty-Somethings With Snappy Comebacks (on E4 because there's just not enough) 
Celebrity CAT Scan 
Celebrity Dogging 
Celebrity Exhumations 
Pimp My Wheelie Bin 
Muslamic Eye for the Racist Guy 
Ku Klux Makeover 
EDL Cribs 
Brass Eye - the musical 
Respect MPs Say the Funniest Things 
Republicans vs Science