It’s the Week of Evil, or Tory Party Conference. And there’s perhaps none more evil than Gideon Osborne. The heir to an Anglo-Irish Baronetcy, whose only day job was folding towels in Selfridges, Osborne described a proposed mansion tax as the politics of envy. We wouldn’t want that when we incite people in work against against sick or unemployed people who, in Gideon’s imagination, are busy growing mushrooms.
His big plan to save civilisation from endless, relentless doom is a scheme whereby workers swap employment rights for company shares. This is the future, folks. Unless we do something we will have the golden opportunity to give up our workplace protections in return for giving a portion of our wages back to the company to play with. Do you see the problem there? I hope you do because, let’s be realistic, given the 2.5 million unemployed, how many bosses are going to present this option as a fait accompli, take it or leave it?
Osborne has also warned parents on benefits against having more children. In his kind of future some children will be left behind. Does that include people tax credits, the biggest benefit claiming category there is, in which case that also means parents in low paid work? He displays a cavalier understanding of where babies come from. If there is now such a thing as surplus humanity (too many babies!) then what can we expect, workhouses, mass sterilisation, or just children starving to death?