Atheists, secularists and supporters of free speech rallied in London today to protest what they feel is an "increased confidence of Islamists to censor free expression publicly".
Which is an incredible position to take, given the wall-to-wall racism and general odium aimed at Muslims by mainstream media and politics. The point about the cartoon itself, images from which were re-used on the Farcebook page of the UCL Atheist, Secularist and Humanist society, is explained rather neatly, I think, by the UCL SU statement:
"The atheist society has agreed they will take more consideration when drawing up publicity for future events.
"The society was asked to remove the image because UCLU aims to foster good relations between different groups of students and create a safe environment where all students can benefit from societies regardless of their religious or other beliefs."
Whoever it is who makes the original cartoons does so, I presume, privately, at their own risk and responsibility. I should say no more, not having read them.
Universities are, or should be, an environment, where young people from varied backgrounds can come together to learn about the world and about each other, safely and respectfully, in a spirit of equality. Asking a society to remove certain pictures from its websites does not amount to censorship. The Atheist, Secularist and Humanist society still exists, still meets, still expresses its opinions, for the sake of good relations it has to moderate its interaction with the rest of the student body.
That said, what a depressing state atheism has reached. I am an atheist, yet when I see most declared atheists go about their business I shudder. The kind of atheism that's peddled today is not the rejection of belief in the existence of deities but a crude statement: militant atheists are more-enlightened-than-thou. It is a matter of asserting superiority, usually of white people over the dark, lurking masses (and their muslamic rayguns). This alleged-militant atheism makes things all the more difficult when the likes of Cameron and co use religious unction to lubricate their crimes.
Even taken at face value, the blank assertion of the obvious contradictions in different religious doctrines does not relieve people of the burden of religious belief (or religious bigotry). Man made god in his own image. You have to look at why people make gods in order to start overcoming religion.
From now on we should refer to Atheist, Secularist and Humanist societies as Big and Clever societies, because that's what they are.