I.e. fling enough shit and anyone can appear dirty.
Bob Crow gave evidence to the Media Ethics Inquiry today and, oh, the lengths the press go to get a scoop. They keep private detective to watch him on holiday. They 'blag' private information held by the DVLA. A Sunday Times journalist was refused a copy of the agenda for an RMT official meeting, so he began rooting around in the RMT's office bins. Most charming of all:
Crow describes being "doorstepped" at home by reporters and photographers from the Sun.
"When I got to the station he still stood in my way and said, 'you're not allowed to go to work'," Crow tells Leveson.
He says there were two men with video cameras and others who refused to let him go to work. Crow says the Sun told him: "What's it like not to get to go to work? You stopped people going to work this week so get a taste of your own medicine."
Oh, it's just like Woodward and Bernstein.